•• Multiple Houdini Courses | • Single Houdini Course | ☼ Houdini available for Project/Studio Use
Founded in 2004 by passionate professionals from the film industry, ARTFX trains young talents in the fields of cinema, 2D and 3D animation, special effects (VFX), video games and programming.
The school is recognized for its high quality training, in total adequacy with the needs of the studios, and for its extensive professional network. ARTFX is at the heart of innovation by combining high technology and traditional know-how. Students are trained in Maya, Houdini, Affinity, Arnold, Zbrush, 3DS max, Blender, Cyengine, C++, Python, Unity, Clarisse, Da Vinci, Dragon Frame, Instant Terra, Nuke, Krita, Photoshop, Mari, Substance, Speed Tree, Syntheyes, Storyboard Pro, Toon Boom, Harmony, Adobe, After Effects, Premiere, Unreal Engine4, etc.
Designed around workshops supervised by professionals from all over the world, ARTFX's unique pedagogy allows students to become active participants in their learning. Throughout their studies, they cultivate autonomy, curiosity, maturity, creativity and technical skills.
Top 10 best creative schools in the world
+610 alumni working in international studios
95% placement rate after training
Ranked 1st best school for special effects, 4th best school for 3D animation and 7th best video game school in the world in the Production Excellence category established by The Rookies in 2020, ARTFX is a reference school recognized for its quality training, in line with the reality of the sector.
ARTFX Montpellier: 95 rue de la Galéra 34090 Montpellier FRANCE
ARTFX Lille: 25 rue Corneille 59100 Roubaix FRANCE
Villa ARTFX Paris: 62 Avenue de Ceinture 95880 Enghien-les-Bains FRANCE
Training Programs offered include:
Fine Arts Foundation Year
[ 1 Year]
The ARTFX Fine Arts Foundation Year offers students a refresher course in artistic disciplines at the end of high school, with the aim of consolidating their choice(s) of orientation and facilitating the competitive entrance exams to the most renowned creative schools, including ARTFX. The preparatory year enables them to build up a solid artistic portfolio, reflecting their talent and the quality of their creative research. Guided by the school’s teachers, students will learn the fundamentals (notably drawing in all its forms and the History of Art), while experimenting with practices related to the trades prepared at ARTFX: 2D animation, visual effects and video games. The objectives of this preparatory year: to reveal one’s artistic talents, develop one’s creativity, acquire working methods, gain self-confidence, build a portfolio and mature one’s choices of orientation among the creative professions.
Master's in 2D & 3D Animation
Accredited by the RNCP at Level 7 (Master level) as of September 14, 2020.
[ 5 Year ] [Classes available in French or English]
The Master's degree in Animated Cinema places the development of students' creativity at the heart of its pedagogy. Students are therefore encouraged to experiment with the various aspects of the production chain of an animated film in order to become qualified and creative professionals, ready to enter the job market thanks to their mastery of studio work methods. The program offers students the choice of specializing in 3D or 2D animation. They will be encouraged to develop their autonomy and reveal their artistic universe thanks to professional workshops. The realization of team projects trains them to work in real production conditions.
Master's in Cinema
Accredited by the RNCP at Level 7 (Master level) as of September 14, 2020.
[ 5 Year ] [Classes available in French or English]
Le Mastère Cinéma d’ARTFX est né de la nécessité de créer des passerelles fortes entre les métiers classiques du cinéma et ceux issus du monde du digital. Il a pour objectif de rapprocher ces deux filières de formation pour permettre une synergie plus grande dans leur pratique quotidienne, de l’écriture au tournage et de la post-production à la diffusion. Le Mastère forme des professionnels du cinéma capables à la fois de raconter des histoires et aussi de les réaliser à travers les outils numériques les plus modernes. Ce sont des profils très recherchés aujourd’hui dans la fabrication de films et de séries.
Master's in CGI & Visual Effects
Accredited by the RNCP at Level 7 (Master level) as of September 14, 2020.
[ 5 Year ] [Classes available in French or English]
The 3D & Digital Special Effects Master's degree trains high-level artists and technicians with all the skills required to join the most renowned international studios. Each student will discover, through practice and teamwork, the skills needed to produce a special effects film. From conception to post-production, including shooting and 3D production, the creation of a graduation film will allow students to choose their preferred specialization to orient their future career.
Master's in Game Art or Game Design
Accredited by the RNCP at Level 7 (Master level) as of September 14, 2020.
[ 5 Year ] [Classes available in French or English]
The Master's degree in Video Games allows students to acquire high-level technical skills and artistic culture. At the end of their training, students will be able to join the largest game publishers as well as the most prestigious international independent studios. Thanks to team projects and workshops supervised by professionals from all over the world, all aspects of video game production are covered: game design, game art, programming, marketing, etc. Innovation is at the heart of the curriculum, which is fully geared towards a major cultural industry in full expansion.
Technical Director Coding for Video Games & VFX
Accredited by the RNCP at Level 7 (Master level) as of September 14, 2020.
[ 5 Year ] [Classes available in French or English]
The Master's degree in Technical Director in Video Games & Special Effects trains high-level programmers capable of joining the R&D divisions of film industry studios or the teams of specialized programmers of the largest video game studios. With advanced programming skills, they put their knowledge into practice by working on the production of final year projects in 3D animation, special effects and video games at ARTFX. Project management and software engineering workshops give them the necessary hindsight to make the right technical decisions for their future employers.
ARTFX Academy
Accredited by the RNCP at Level 7 (Master level) as of September 14, 2020.
[ 2 Year ] [Classes available in French or English]
The training provided at the ARTFX Academy is aimed at students with a 3-year degree who are already familiar with the image industry and who wish to specialize in animation and/or digital special effects. The course begins with an intensive refresher course. It offers a summary of the innovative pedagogy that is the trademark of ARTFX. This Master's program is supervised by professionals from the most renowned studios, emphasizes learning by doing and aims to cultivate creativity, technical skills, and team spirit. These skills are essential for working in the creative industries.