Houdini Main Changelogs


In the Scene Graph Details pane tree, if a relationship specifies a target prim that doesn't exist, we now create a "child" in the tree for this missing prim, but greyed out. Previously this missing target could only be seen in the Value tab.

Thu. September 19, 2024

In the Scene Graph Details pane tree, if a relationship specifies a target prim that doesn't exist, we now create a "child" in the tree for this missing prim, but greyed out. Previously this missing target could only be seen in the Value tab.

Thu. September 19, 2024

In the Scene Graph Details pane tree, if a relationship specifies a target prim that doesn't exist, we now create a "child" in the tree for this missing prim, but greyed out. Previously this missing target could only be seen in the Value tab.

Thu. September 19, 2024

Fixed a bug in the USD Animation Import SOP which could cause the animation to be imported at the wrong USD timecode (off by one).

Thu. September 19, 2024

ROP pre/post render/frame scripts that read context options values will now always return the current global context option values.

Thu. September 19, 2024

ROP pre/post render/frame scripts that read context options values will now always return the current global context option values.

Thu. September 19, 2024

Fixed bug where the D key would not close the network display options dialog when the dialog had the focus under the new hotkey system.

Thu. September 19, 2024

Fixed bug where the D key would not close the network display options dialog when the dialog had the focus under the new hotkey system.

Thu. September 19, 2024

HUD Handle - persistent handles stick after node is deleted

  • Fix a bug when deleting nodes containing HUDs which could leave Houdiniin a bad state.
  • Now HUD windows and their cache settings are deleted on a node deletion.
Thu. September 19, 2024

Added a "Remove Namespaces from Joint Names" toggle parameter to the FbxAnimImport SOP node to remove any namespace prefixes from joint names on import.

Thu. September 19, 2024

Fixed bug where the loop select hotkey was not correctly resolved for the TopoBuild state under the new hotkey system.

Thu. September 19, 2024

Added geometry channels support to the Delete Channels command from the playback keyframe button menu and the channel lister right-click menu.

Thu. September 19, 2024

Added geometry channels support to the Delete Channels command from the playback keyframe button menu and the channel lister right-click menu.

Thu. September 19, 2024

Recipes cannot be edited

  • Fixes bug where the Recipe Editor would not open when 'name' key is notfound under the 'properties' key in the recipe data.
Thu. September 19, 2024

Stage Manager - Fixed bug where prim kinds for incoming stage is incorrectly set after a group or move operation.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Make the For Each LOP's Primitives selection menu/button responsive to whether it is specifying prims from the first or second input.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fixed a bug on the MPM Solver where kernels would not be properly optimized on Mac OSX with AMD GPUs which led to very bad performance. This fix gives a 12x speed increase on the machine we tested on.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fix a bug that prevented Solaris from muting layers with URL identifiers.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fix a bug that prevented Solaris from muting layers with URL identifiers.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Renamed the old "Hide Other Objects" view context to "Hide Other Objects (Local Space)" and added a new "Hide Other Objects" view context that hides the other objects while still keeping the viewer in world space.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fixed some issues that could cause the undo/redo history to end up in a bad state when using Houdini Engine SessionSync.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fixed some issues that could cause the undo/redo history to end up in a bad state when using Houdini Engine SessionSync.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fixed issue with variant selection fallbacks defined in plugInfo.json files not being applied to new LOP networks or new hip files.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fixed issue with variant selection fallbacks defined in plugInfo.json files not being applied to new LOP networks or new hip files.

Wed. September 18, 2024

The handling of the t/r/e keys in the LOP scene viewer is now customizable with a python script (sceneviewerhooks.py).

Wed. September 18, 2024