Houdini Main Changelogs


In the Scene Graph Details pane tree, if a relationship specifies a target prim that doesn't exist, we now create a "child" in the tree for this missing prim, but greyed out. Previously this missing target could only be seen in the Value tab.


Make the For Each LOP's Primitives selection menu/button responsive to whether it is specifying prims from the first or second input.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fix a bug that prevented Solaris from muting layers with URL identifiers.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Renamed the old "Hide Other Objects" view context to "Hide Other Objects (Local Space)" and added a new "Hide Other Objects" view context that hides the other objects while still keeping the viewer in world space.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fixed some issues that could cause the undo/redo history to end up in a bad state when using Houdini Engine SessionSync.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fixed issue with variant selection fallbacks defined in plugInfo.json files not being applied to new LOP networks or new hip files.

Wed. September 18, 2024

The handling of the t/r/e keys in the LOP scene viewer is now customizable with a python script (sceneviewerhooks.py).

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fixed bug where the operation menu on the viewer toolbar did not show the Select state's menu when it is the current (non-volatile) state.

Wed. September 18, 2024

Fixed issue with variant selection fallbacks defined in plugInfo.json files not being applied to new LOP networks or new hip files.

Tue. September 17, 2024

Fixed an issue where subprocesses spawned by PDG sometimes did not terminate cleanly on Linux.

Tue. September 17, 2024

added removeportprefix parameter to the promoteNodeInputs, this will remove the default suffix.

Tue. September 17, 2024

Fixed an issue where subprocesses spawned by PDG sometimes did not terminate cleanly on Linux.

Tue. September 17, 2024

Fixed an issue that could cause Houdini's undo/redo history to get into a bad state when using Houdini Engine SessionSync.

Tue. September 17, 2024

Implement heightfield cutouts in Vulkan.

Tue. September 17, 2024

Fixed a bug with ID to Mask and ID to RGB COPs always producing outputs with 16-bit floating point precision.

Tue. September 17, 2024

COP images at the default resolution of 1024x1024 can now be saved in Houdini Apprentice.

Tue. September 17, 2024

Fixed skeletal mesh transforms using inconsistent translation between Houdini and Unreal, making round tripping problematic.

Tue. September 17, 2024

Log the application id when checking out a license to assist in tracking down what an application is checking out. This can be helpful as PDG and husk procedurals have a more complex licensing structure which can catch users off guard. Looking at the sesinetd log can assist in tracking down unexpected usage.

Tue. September 17, 2024

Fixed errors in the Character Picker when:

  • Setting a buttons targets, followed by adding more targets from theviewport selection
  • Attempting to change the default behaviour of a button
Tue. September 17, 2024

Fixed an issue where a landscape imported into Houdini from Unreal could be distorted if no material was assigned.

Tue. September 17, 2024

Added HQueue support for Switch ROP which submitted all inputs as jobs rather than the selected input.

Mon. September 16, 2024

Fixed a bug in the KineFX Rotation Limits Handle where the circles would be reversed.

Mon. September 16, 2024

Allow procedurals to run off an Engine or Engine-Education license

Mon. September 16, 2024

Fixed a bug with procedurals where it was taking an extra Engine license in cases where no extra license should have been checked out.

Mon. September 16, 2024

Allow procedurals to run off an Engine or Engine-Education license.

Mon. September 16, 2024