Houdini Main Changelogs


Update the 'ChainCurve' example for Curve-2.0 to better reflect the workflow for creating an HDA that inherits the Curve state.

Tue. September 3, 2024

Fixed a bug with Attribute Promote internally working with 32-bit variables when dealing with 64-bit data.

Tue. September 3, 2024

Aliased the graph::GetCompiledParms and graph::SetCompiledParms APEX callbacks to graph::DefaultParms and graph::SetDefaultParms. This should fix a few rare bugs when evaluating APEX graphs after setting the compiled parameters directly. Other than that, graph execution from within an APEX graph should not change. The behaviour of these callbacks differ in a few other subtle ways:

  • The default parameters are written out when writing an APEX graph togeometry while the compiled parameters are not.
  • The compiled parameters could take into account alterations to theparameter dictionary made by graph::Invoke and graph::EvaluateOutputscallbacks. Additonally, they could take into account alterations to theparameters made by inplace ports. These alterations will not be presentin graph::DefaultParms.
Tue. September 3, 2024

husk will no longer crash if a RenderVar has no sourceType specified.

Tue. September 3, 2024

husk will no longer crash if a RenderVar has no sourceType specified.

Tue. September 3, 2024
  • Replaced the graph::GetCompiledParms and graph::SetCompiledParms callbackswith graph::DefaultParms and graph::SetDefaultParms. These callbacks makeit possible to define the default parameters of a graph.
  • Added graph::Properties and graph::SetProperties callbacks to make itpossible to set and graph the properties of a graph.
Tue. September 3, 2024

Fixed a crash with the Flipbook ROP when no transparent geometry is present in the scene.

Tue. September 3, 2024

Updated the HDK cmake module (HoudiniConfig.cmake) to remove several compile options (e.g. compiler warnings) which were not strictly necessary, and were propagated to any libraries linking against Houdini libraries.

Tue. September 3, 2024

Fixed a bug where subdivision mesh may produce corrupt faces or crash with certain topologies under rare circumstances.

Tue. September 3, 2024

Fix Polygon wire overs using wrong color when drawn with color visualizer

Fri. August 30, 2024

Fix visible-only selection on Tetra primitives not selecting some tets Fix visible-only selection on Tetra points selecting non-visible points Performance improvements for Tetra primitive updates in Vulkan render

Fri. August 30, 2024

Added APEX Equals<Bool>, GreatherThan<Bool>, GreatherThanOrEqual<Bool>, LessThan<Bool>, LessThanOrEqual<Bool> callbacks. Added APEX Equals<APEXNodeID>, Equals<APEXPortID> callbacks. This fixes APEX scripts doing boolean compare operations such as:

  • Bool(a) == False, Bool(a) == Bool(b)

It also allows compare operations on APEX NodeID or APEX PortID.

Fri. August 30, 2024

Fixed a bug that caused Houdini's undo/redo functionality to be disabled when using Houdini Engine SessionSync.

Fri. August 30, 2024

Fixed a bug that caused Houdini's undo/redo functionality to be disabled when using Houdini Engine SessionSync.

Fri. August 30, 2024

Made auto headlight behavior consistent across the viewport, husk, clones, and background renders. The auto headlight is disabled only if there is an active, visible light in the scene.

Fri. August 30, 2024

Fixed an issue where the Scene Graph Details panel could raise a python exception when selecting an attribute after moving the prim with a Restructure Scene Graph node.

Fri. August 30, 2024

Fixed issue where Quick Materials weren't setup correctly from the Component Geometry LOP.

Fri. August 30, 2024

Fixed a bug with packed USD primitives that could cause intrinsics such as 'packedrenderbounds' to sometimes be computed incorrectly for packed prims containing packed USD primitives.

Fri. August 30, 2024

Fix primitive component picking not working on quadric primitives (spheres, tubes, circles)

Thu. August 29, 2024

Recipes - Fixed bug where embedded asset would raise error when a new scene file is choosen.

Thu. August 29, 2024

Offset decorations on points when they are drawn as lit spheres, so they aren't hidden by the sphere

Thu. August 29, 2024

Fix Coincident Point decoration not displaying

Thu. August 29, 2024

Fix reference plane drawing incorrectly when volume present in scene

Thu. August 29, 2024

Fix some MaterialX shaders incorrectly using view-space position

Thu. August 29, 2024

Fixed CarPaintMetallic from the Basic Materials catalog.

Thu. August 29, 2024