Houdini Main Changelogs

  • The bundle list pane now has buttons for selecting and deselectingall operators. This option can help clear the selection before theoperators are selected for addition or removal from the bundles
  • In the bundle pane, the filter guessing is now turned off by default.To turn it on, click the "Set filter type" button in the pane toolbar.
Tue. July 6, 2004

Added optional small look for range slider, now used below playbar. Regular range slider still used in mplay, gplay, and JIVE.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Added optional small look for range slider, now used below playbar. Regular range slider still used in mplay, gplay, and JIVE.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Added optional small look for range slider, now used below playbar. Regular range slider still used in mplay, gplay, and JIVE.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Added optional small look for range slider, now used below playbar. Regular range slider still used in mplay, gplay, and JIVE.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Added optional small look for range slider, now used below playbar. Regular range slider still used in mplay, gplay, and JIVE.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Implemented more of the RMB entries for the parm box parameter fields.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Implemented more of the RMB entries for the parm box parameter fields.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Implemented more of the RMB entries for the parm box parameter fields.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Implemented more of the RMB entries for the parm box parameter fields.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Implemented more of the RMB entries for the parm box parameter fields.

Mon. July 5, 2004

Added ability to remove-select with ctrl and add-select with ctrl+shift in addition to the existing ability to toggle select with shift. (Only available in replace select mode).

Mon. July 5, 2004

Added ability to remove-select with ctrl and add-select with ctrl+shift in addition to the existing ability to toggle select with shift. (Only available in replace select mode).

Mon. July 5, 2004

Added ability to remove-select with ctrl and add-select with ctrl+shift in addition to the existing ability to toggle select with shift. (Only available in replace select mode).

Mon. July 5, 2004

Added ability to remove-select with ctrl and add-select with ctrl+shift in addition to the existing ability to toggle select with shift. (Only available in replace select mode).

Mon. July 5, 2004

Added ability to remove-select with ctrl and add-select with ctrl+shift in addition to the existing ability to toggle select with shift. (Only available in replace select mode).

Mon. July 5, 2004
  • In the dopesheet, keys are "ghosted" on group rows which do not representa key which exists on all channels in the row.
Sat. July 3, 2004
  • In the dopesheet, keys are "ghosted" on group rows which do not representa key which exists on all channels in the row.
Sat. July 3, 2004
  • In the dopesheet, keys are "ghosted" on group rows which do not representa key which exists on all channels in the row.
Sat. July 3, 2004
  • In the dopesheet, keys are "ghosted" on group rows which do not representa key which exists on all channels in the row.
Sat. July 3, 2004
  • In the dopesheet, keys are "ghosted" on group rows which do not representa key which exists on all channels in the row.
Sat. July 3, 2004

The Border, ChannelCopy and UnPin COPs are now maskable.

Thu. July 1, 2004

The Border, ChannelCopy and UnPin COPs are now maskable.

Thu. July 1, 2004

The Border, ChannelCopy and UnPin COPs are now maskable.

Thu. July 1, 2004

The Border, ChannelCopy and UnPin COPs are now maskable.

Thu. July 1, 2004