Houdini Main Changelogs


It is no longer possible to create a VOPNET inside another network type (such as creating a VOPNET inside an Object). All VOPNETs must be created in the /vex network.

Wed. February 5, 2003

There is a new parameter to control which lights should be active in renders. This is similar to the visible objects field in many output drivers.

Wed. February 5, 2003

There is a new parameter to control which lights should be active in renders. This is similar to the visible objects field in many output drivers.

Wed. February 5, 2003

There is a new parameter to control which lights should be active in renders. This is similar to the visible objects field in many output drivers.

Wed. February 5, 2003

There is a new parameter to control which lights should be active in renders. This is similar to the visible objects field in many output drivers.

Wed. February 5, 2003

There is a new parameter to control which lights should be active in renders. This is similar to the visible objects field in many output drivers.

Wed. February 5, 2003

Object selection now behaves differently with subnets.

There is now a select entire subnets option in the left hand viewer toolbar. The default for this can be changed with Settings::Main Preferences::Objects And Geometry::Select Entire Subnets On By Default. It is on by default. Turning it off will generate the same picking behaviour as 5.5.

When this mode is on you will only be able to pick objects at your current view level. When your viewer is at /obj, you will only be able to pick objects that are immediate children of /obj, eg: /obj/light1, /obj/model, or /obj/subnet1. If you pick a child node, for example, /obj/subnet1/geo1, it is the subnet that will be picked and all the objects in the subnet will be highlighted. As the transform state can now transform subnets, this will have the expected behaviour. To pick individual components of a subnet, either dive into the subnet (view /obj/subnet1) or turn off this flag (hotkey '-').

Wed. February 5, 2003

Object selection now behaves differently with subnets.

There is now a select entire subnets option in the left hand viewer toolbar. The default for this can be changed with Settings::Main Preferences::Objects And Geometry::Select Entire Subnets On By Default. It is on by default. Turning it off will generate the same picking behaviour as 5.5.

When this mode is on you will only be able to pick objects at your current view level. When your viewer is at /obj, you will only be able to pick objects that are immediate children of /obj, eg: /obj/light1, /obj/model, or /obj/subnet1. If you pick a child node, for example, /obj/subnet1/geo1, it is the subnet that will be picked and all the objects in the subnet will be highlighted. As the transform state can now transform subnets, this will have the expected behaviour. To pick individual components of a subnet, either dive into the subnet (view /obj/subnet1) or turn off this flag (hotkey '-').

Wed. February 5, 2003

Object selection now behaves differently with subnets.

There is now a select entire subnets option in the left hand viewer toolbar. The default for this can be changed with Settings::Main Preferences::Objects And Geometry::Select Entire Subnets On By Default. It is on by default. Turning it off will generate the same picking behaviour as 5.5.

When this mode is on you will only be able to pick objects at your current view level. When your viewer is at /obj, you will only be able to pick objects that are immediate children of /obj, eg: /obj/light1, /obj/model, or /obj/subnet1. If you pick a child node, for example, /obj/subnet1/geo1, it is the subnet that will be picked and all the objects in the subnet will be highlighted. As the transform state can now transform subnets, this will have the expected behaviour. To pick individual components of a subnet, either dive into the subnet (view /obj/subnet1) or turn off this flag (hotkey '-').

Wed. February 5, 2003

Object selection now behaves differently with subnets.

There is now a select entire subnets option in the left hand viewer toolbar. The default for this can be changed with Settings::Main Preferences::Objects And Geometry::Select Entire Subnets On By Default. It is on by default. Turning it off will generate the same picking behaviour as 5.5.

When this mode is on you will only be able to pick objects at your current view level. When your viewer is at /obj, you will only be able to pick objects that are immediate children of /obj, eg: /obj/light1, /obj/model, or /obj/subnet1. If you pick a child node, for example, /obj/subnet1/geo1, it is the subnet that will be picked and all the objects in the subnet will be highlighted. As the transform state can now transform subnets, this will have the expected behaviour. To pick individual components of a subnet, either dive into the subnet (view /obj/subnet1) or turn off this flag (hotkey '-').

Wed. February 5, 2003

Object selection now behaves differently with subnets.

There is now a select entire subnets option in the left hand viewer toolbar. The default for this can be changed with Settings::Main Preferences::Objects And Geometry::Select Entire Subnets On By Default. It is on by default. Turning it off will generate the same picking behaviour as 5.5.

When this mode is on you will only be able to pick objects at your current view level. When your viewer is at /obj, you will only be able to pick objects that are immediate children of /obj, eg: /obj/light1, /obj/model, or /obj/subnet1. If you pick a child node, for example, /obj/subnet1/geo1, it is the subnet that will be picked and all the objects in the subnet will be highlighted. As the transform state can now transform subnets, this will have the expected behaviour. To pick individual components of a subnet, either dive into the subnet (view /obj/subnet1) or turn off this flag (hotkey '-').

Wed. February 5, 2003

When a viewport is viewing through a camera, the camera name is displayed in the viewport along with the viewport name. The format used is <vport name>:<cam name>. We also append an " [L]" to indicate that the view is locked to the camera.

Wed. February 5, 2003

When a viewport is viewing through a camera, the camera name is displayed in the viewport along with the viewport name. The format used is <vport name>:<cam name>. We also append an " [L]" to indicate that the view is locked to the camera.

Wed. February 5, 2003

When a viewport is viewing through a camera, the camera name is displayed in the viewport along with the viewport name. The format used is <vport name>:<cam name>. We also append an " [L]" to indicate that the view is locked to the camera.

Wed. February 5, 2003

When a viewport is viewing through a camera, the camera name is displayed in the viewport along with the viewport name. The format used is <vport name>:<cam name>. We also append an " [L]" to indicate that the view is locked to the camera.

Wed. February 5, 2003

When a viewport is viewing through a camera, the camera name is displayed in the viewport along with the viewport name. The format used is <vport name>:<cam name>. We also append an " [L]" to indicate that the view is locked to the camera.

Wed. February 5, 2003

When executing a parameter callback script, we now define the variable $script_value to be the value of the parameter that was just changed. If the parameter has multiple components, we also define the variables $script_value0, $script_value1, etc. as the values of the individual components of the parameter that was changed.

Wed. February 5, 2003

When executing a parameter callback script, we now define the variable $script_value to be the value of the parameter that was just changed. If the parameter has multiple components, we also define the variables $script_value0, $script_value1, etc. as the values of the individual components of the parameter that was changed.

Wed. February 5, 2003

When executing a parameter callback script, we now define the variable $script_value to be the value of the parameter that was just changed. If the parameter has multiple components, we also define the variables $script_value0, $script_value1, etc. as the values of the individual components of the parameter that was changed.

Wed. February 5, 2003

When executing a parameter callback script, we now define the variable $script_value to be the value of the parameter that was just changed. If the parameter has multiple components, we also define the variables $script_value0, $script_value1, etc. as the values of the individual components of the parameter that was changed.

Wed. February 5, 2003

When executing a parameter callback script, we now define the variable $script_value to be the value of the parameter that was just changed. If the parameter has multiple components, we also define the variables $script_value0, $script_value1, etc. as the values of the individual components of the parameter that was changed.

Wed. February 5, 2003

The compositor now has a project manager, which allows certain parameters to be controlled globally (with local overrides). These parameters are:

  • Resolution
  • Pixel Format & B/W points
  • Pixel Aspect Ratio
  • Frame Range & Rate (a quick interface to FSTART/FEND & FPS)
  • Proxy level (which will change all viewers proxy level, and any

composite output drivers which are set to Project Proxy Res).

Tue. February 4, 2003

The new Project Manager in Halo/COPs will cause most generators in old hip files to have the wrong resolution, pixel aspect ratio or frame range. You can reset these on a node by node basis by turning on the local override, or change the global settings in the Composite Project dialog (Dialogs->Composite Project or Alt+Shift+i).

Tue. February 4, 2003

The compositor now has a project manager, which allows certain parameters to be controlled globally (with local overrides). These parameters are:

  • Resolution
  • Pixel Format & B/W points
  • Pixel Aspect Ratio
  • Frame Range & Rate (a quick interface to FSTART/FEND & FPS)
  • Proxy level (which will change all viewers proxy level, and any

composite output drivers which are set to Project Proxy Res).

Tue. February 4, 2003

The new Project Manager in Halo/COPs will cause most generators in old hip files to have the wrong resolution, pixel aspect ratio or frame range. You can reset these on a node by node basis by turning on the local override, or change the global settings in the Composite Project dialog (Dialogs->Composite Project or Alt+Shift+i).

Tue. February 4, 2003