Houdini Main Changelogs


Fixed bug where typing in expressions involving local variables would not properly evaluate until the hip file was reloaded.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug where typing in expressions involving local variables would not properly evaluate until the hip file was reloaded.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug where typing in expressions involving local variables would not properly evaluate until the hip file was reloaded.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug where typing in expressions involving local variables would not properly evaluate until the hip file was reloaded.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would break the UI for a VOP-based operator if the default value of a string parameter was set to something like "/obj/*".

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would break the UI for a VOP-based operator if the default value of a string parameter was set to something like "/obj/*".

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would break the UI for a VOP-based operator if the default value of a string parameter was set to something like "/obj/*".

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would break the UI for a VOP-based operator if the default value of a string parameter was set to something like "/obj/*".

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would break the UI for a VOP-based operator if the default value of a string parameter was set to something like "/obj/*".

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would cause badly formatted disablewhen strings to be generated in some situations.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would cause badly formatted disablewhen strings to be generated in some situations.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would cause badly formatted disablewhen strings to be generated in some situations.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would cause badly formatted disablewhen strings to be generated in some situations.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed bug that would cause badly formatted disablewhen strings to be generated in some situations.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed a problem that would cause "Color+Alpha" parameters in digital assets to be converted to "Color" parameters.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed a problem that would cause "Color+Alpha" parameters in digital assets to be converted to "Color" parameters.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed a problem that would cause "Color+Alpha" parameters in digital assets to be converted to "Color" parameters.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed a problem that would cause "Color+Alpha" parameters in digital assets to be converted to "Color" parameters.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Fixed a problem that would cause "Color+Alpha" parameters in digital assets to be converted to "Color" parameters.

Fri. March 11, 2005

Added new stamp() expression that is intended to override use of param(). This new function behaves much the same as param() except it takes as its first argument, the path to the operator that will perform the stamping. Thix fixes problems with conflicts between multiple stamping operators that happen to stamp the same variable names. Use of the param() is now deprecated and operators will warn if it is being used.

Thu. March 10, 2005

Added new stamp() expression that is intended to override use of param(). This new function behaves much the same as param() except it takes as its first argument, the path to the operator that will perform the stamping. Thix fixes problems with conflicts between multiple stamping operators that happen to stamp the same variable names. Use of the param() is now deprecated and operators will warn if it is being used.

Thu. March 10, 2005

Added new stamp() expression that is intended to override use of param(). This new function behaves much the same as param() except it takes as its first argument, the path to the operator that will perform the stamping. Thix fixes problems with conflicts between multiple stamping operators that happen to stamp the same variable names. Use of the param() is now deprecated and operators will warn if it is being used.

Thu. March 10, 2005

Added new stamp() expression that is intended to override use of param(). This new function behaves much the same as param() except it takes as its first argument, the path to the operator that will perform the stamping. Thix fixes problems with conflicts between multiple stamping operators that happen to stamp the same variable names. Use of the param() is now deprecated and operators will warn if it is being used.

Thu. March 10, 2005

Added new stamp() expression that is intended to override use of param(). This new function behaves much the same as param() except it takes as its first argument, the path to the operator that will perform the stamping. Thix fixes problems with conflicts between multiple stamping operators that happen to stamp the same variable names. Use of the param() is now deprecated and operators will warn if it is being used.

Thu. March 10, 2005

The Object Merge SOP now has options to create per-point or per-primitive path attributes. This will create an index attribute called "objname" which has the absolute path to the node which the point or primitive was merged from.

Thu. March 10, 2005