Welcome to the MARDINI Daily Art Challenge - your chance to compete for cool prizes by creating images or animations! With a different challenge every day during the month of March, you'll have 31 chances to enter and win.
For this MARDINI, the daily theme prompts are Houdini nodes. As shown below, each week has a node type, and each day has a node which is meant to used in the artwork that you submit. The nodes prompts for each day are shown below.
The focus of this contest is the aesthetics of your submitted artwork – while the nodes give you a chance to explore parts of Houdini you may not have encountered before.

Submit your work to these forums in order for your artwork to be considered. To win the daily prizes, you must post:
- your image or animation
- a screengrab that shows your artwork in the viewport and the network that includes the daily node.
These must be posted before Midnight EST/EDT on each day. You may submit art to any of the topics throughout the month but your work will only be eligible for the daily prizes or daily entry point if you submit before the daily deadline. You will still be eligible for the Iron Heart prize if you submit after the topic date.

Introducing your Mardini Coach | Paul Esteves
To inspire you as you set out on each daily challenge, Paul Esteves, has put together a set of videos that introduce each of the nodes being used in the contest. You can use these to learn what each node is capable of before you incorporate it into your design.
In addition to his submissions to the HOULY and MARDINI contests, Paul is best known for his H19 Nodes and Vellum Nodes tutorial series. Many of the nodes he taught in these classes will be used for this contest so be sure to check out these lessons.
1st Place Image
5 pts
1st Place Animation
5 pts
2nd Place Image
4 pts
2nd Place Animation
4 pts
3rd Place Image
3 pts
3rd Place Animation
3 pts
Image Entry
1 pts
Animation Entry
1 pts

- Only one submission per day per artist is allowed. You can create an image or an animation but not both.
- This contest is void where prohibited.
- Employees of SideFX or any of their agents may participate in the contest but are not eligible to win.
- The judges' decision is final.
- SideFX is not responsible for submissions that arrive late, or are lost or damaged during submission.
- If the prize cannot be awarded due to unforeseen circumstances, no cash alternatives are available.
- Artwork created for these challenges must be created using Houdini products. Winners will be asked to submit .hip files to verify that Houdini was used for all aspects of the designs. If you do not submit the files then you will be disqualified.
- External texture maps may be used as part of your submission but geometry and motion must be created in Houdini.
- All content must be the property of the submitter. If you are running Houdini on an employer or school computer make sure that this does not compromise your ownership rights.
- Entries that clearly infringe on the copyrights of another company will be disqualified.
- Your entry in the contest constitutes an agreement to allow SideFX unrestricted use and distribution of the artwork submitted.