Whether you are a feature film VFX artist, a game developer or a commercial studio, Houdini 17.5 brings you new and enhanced tools to meet your most demanding production requirements.
Houdini 17.5 is a important release that includes a number of key features including the introduction of PDG | Procedural Dependency Graph. This new technology is available in the upcoming release of Houdini 17.5 as a new Houdini operating context called TOPs (Task Operators) and as a standalone application called PilotPDG™.PDG is designed to:
- Describe complex dependencies visually with nodes
- Transform that dependency description into a set of actionable, schedulable tasks
- Distribute those tasks with the help of a scheduler and compute them in parallel
Houdini 17.5 Launch Presentation
Watch the Houdini 17.5 Launch Presentation video to learn more about the upcoming H17.5 release from SideFX's Cristin Barghiel, VP R&D, Scott Keating, Senior Product Designer, Ken Xu, Senior Software Architect - with special guest Bill Polson, Global Head of Pipeline and Workflow, MPC Film.
chefstevehansen 6 years ago |
Does anybody at SideFx sleep? Nice work!
Nicolas Heluani 6 years ago |
LOL, that was my same assertion in Vimeo.... is really amazing the productivity of that team.
goshone 6 years ago |
Nice job! SideFX!!! Keep going!
KN Pavan 6 years ago |
counting Galaxy of stars id impossible, AND your TOPs outputting Tasks,I think is a Galaxy of star.
Tom Freitag 6 years ago |
new tops feels little bit like a new operating system. i hope sesi replacing windows and ios in the future. ;)
bradleynhaug 6 years ago |
*twitches in joy*
LEGA 6 years ago |
Amazing updates as always!
amin cgi 6 years ago |
Amazing :)
ed_co 6 years ago |
Nice stuff guys!!
kuara 6 years ago |
JiQing 6 years ago |
MikeKo 6 years ago |
厉害厉害 666
kingo 6 years ago |
forbbidenlover 6 years ago |
so cool
NSDesign 6 years ago |
Just when you think what can SIDEFX do next? They blow us away again! Actually I'm pretty speechless about this new context - aptly named TOPs!
Amazing work guys - game changer on so many levels!!!!!!
Julian Williams 6 years ago |
happy happy, joy joy!
Marco Fontan 6 years ago |
Wow, far beyond! Thank you
i765563652 6 years ago |
andrevalle 6 years ago |
Really awesome.
JOEMI 6 years ago |
OMG! We develop last spring/summer some production management system codenamed Quarks, which had module UP - for task management, it had same symbolic :))
anon_user_75466869 6 years ago |
"The planned release date for Houdini 17.5 and PilotPDG is
mid March 2019" : )
thanks SideFX !!!!!
poka 6 years ago |
sidefx 太伟大了。每个版本都有非常大的变化
ThomasHelzle 6 years ago |
Since I started using Houdini as my main 3D application some years ago, each update was bliss.
This one is no exception and is showing a vision and perspective that I find really fantastic - and it's a frigging dot-update...
Next stop: replace the current VEX editor with an integrated version of MS Code... :-)
Thank YOU!
FJSam 6 years ago |
thexon 6 years ago |
ow,amazing,keep it up,team
Ziboo 6 years ago |
That's awesome !
Next step: Multiselection of points in the Curve Sop :D :D :D
OneBigTree 6 years ago |
Truly amazing! Now SideFX can probably start tackling the really, really difficult features, like creating text, numerical input for point positions, extrude along curve (not deform extrusion by spine), resizable panes in the quadview and single-key viewport switching and render layers. I know they can do it.
EricSheng 6 years ago |
Multiselection of points in the Curve Sop
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