ML Terrain
, Gamedev
This demo is intended to be a full walkthrough of the process from creating an ML model, and using this ML model directly in Houdini. But it is also built with exploration in mind. Plug in your own terrain erosion HDAs, or heightfield patterns. Use higher or lower resolution to compare results. Test against massive terrain, or work with small fine tune details. Train a moon crater ML model, or alien world. Or simply just use existing real world lidar data.
The ONNX Machine Learning Terrain demo comes in two parts.
Part One | Training: (ONNX_teraining_Terrain.hip) Walk through a simple setup of how to leverage PDG, and a handful of terrain HDAs processors, to create hundreds or thousands of unique terrain assets. Feeding those terrain files into COPs to export image pairs which will be used by the TrainPix2Pix HDA, which will create a custom ONNX file.
Part Two | Inference: (ONNX_Paint_Terrain.hip) Use the newly created ONNX file(or use the one provided), with Houdini 20's new ONNX SOP. With the hip files basic heightfield set up, edit its shape and design with a Paint Texture Mask directly in the viewport, and watch the ML model generate a final detailed heightfield.
Vasilis Triantafyllou 1 year, 4 months ago |
This is incredibly helpful, Thank you!
2danimm 1 year, 3 months ago |
Thanks a lot
Ed B 1 year, 1 month ago |
Why is no-one talking about this. What?!!!
alnh 1 year ago |
Where is the actual tutorial? I've downloaded the example files from this page ( but I don't see a tutorial video.
jlapre 1 year ago |
alnh, it looks like the documentation is in the Houdini files themselves, in the form of sticky notes inside the various SOPs.
jlapre 1 year ago |
After looking at the sticky notes in the hip files, I have to agree with alnh. It would be really helpful if there was a step by step tutorial.
I'm not able to get the example files to work for me.
Cody Spahr 11 months, 3 weeks ago |
A new video has been uploaded. Hopefully it gives a bit more insight into both the Training and the Inference HIP files.
yakymoto 9 months, 1 week ago |
Lovely, thank you! Where can I find a link to this video?
yakymoto 9 months, 1 week ago |
Never mind! I found it between the slides on this page. Cheers!
yakymoto 9 months, 1 week ago |
FYI: Latest archive from this page "" throwing errors in Houdini 20.0.688.
But previous archive "", which is still available with the next link works perfectly!
George Rolfe 8 months, 1 week ago |
I confirmed the above works, and the original doesn't.
Cody Spahr 4 months, 4 weeks ago |
New update to the project. The parameters have been adjusted on the training TOP network to work out of the box again. It looks like the default value of generated heightfields was dropped to a number where the split wasn't working. Then it would error out. This is fixed now.
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