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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /*!
5  \file GridChecksum.h
7  \author Ken Museth
9  \brief Computes a pair of 32bit checksums, of a Grid, by means of Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
11  \details A CRC32 is the 32 bit remainder, or residue, of binary division of a message, by a polynomial.
12 */
17 #include <algorithm>// for std::generate
18 #include <array>
19 #include <vector>
20 #include <cstdint>
21 #include <cstddef>// offsetof macro
22 #include <numeric>
23 #include <type_traits>
24 #include <memory>// for std::unique_ptr
26 #include <nanovdb/NanoVDB.h>
27 #include "ForEach.h"
28 #include "NodeManager.h"
30 // Define log of block size for FULL CRC32 computation.
31 // A value of 12 corresponds to a block size of 4KB (2^12 = 4096).
32 // Undefine to use old checksum computation
35 namespace nanovdb {
37 /// @brief List of different modes for computing for a checksum
38 enum class ChecksumMode : uint32_t { Disable = 0,// no computation
39  Partial = 1,// fast but approximate
40  Full = 2,// slow but accurate
41  Default = 1,// defaults to Partial
42  End = 3 };// marks the end of the enum list
44 /// @brief Return the (2 x CRC32) checksum of the specified @a grid
45 /// @tparam BuildT Template parameter used to build NanoVDB grid.
46 /// @param grid Grid from which the checksum is computed.
47 /// @param mode Defines the mode of computation for the checksum.
48 /// @return Return the (2 x CRC32) checksum of the specified @a grid
49 template <typename BuildT>
50 uint64_t checksum(const NanoGrid<BuildT> &grid, ChecksumMode mode = ChecksumMode::Default);
52 /// @brief Return true if the checksum of the @a grid matches the expected
53 /// value already encoded into the grid's meta data.
54 /// @tparam BuildT Template parameter used to build NanoVDB grid.
55 /// @param grid Grid whose checksum is validated.
56 /// @param mode Defines the mode of computation for the checksum.
57 template <typename BuildT>
58 bool validateChecksum(const NanoGrid<BuildT> &grid, ChecksumMode mode = ChecksumMode::Default);
60 /// @brief Updates the checksum of a grid
61 ///
62 /// @param grid Grid whose checksum will be updated.
63 /// @param mode Defines the mode of computation for the checksum.
64 template <typename BuildT>
65 void updateChecksum(NanoGrid<BuildT> &grid, ChecksumMode mode = ChecksumMode::Default);
67 namespace crc32 {
69 /// @brief Initiate single entry in look-up-table for CRC32 computations
70 /// @param lut pointer of size 256 for look-up-table
71 /// @param n entry in table (assumed n < 256)
72 inline __hostdev__ void initLut(uint32_t lut[256], uint32_t n)
73 {
74  uint32_t &cs = lut[n] = n;
75  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) cs = (cs >> 1) ^ ((cs & 1) ? 0xEDB88320 : 0);
76 }
78 /// @brief Initiate entire look-up-table for CRC32 computations
79 /// @param lut pointer of size 256 for look-up-table
80 inline __hostdev__ void initLut(uint32_t lut[256]){for (uint32_t n = 0u; n < 256u; ++n) initLut(lut, n);}
82 /// @brief Create and initiate entire look-up-table for CRC32 computations
83 /// @return returns a unique pointer to the lookup table of size 256.
84 inline std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> createLut()
85 {
86  std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> lut(new uint32_t[256]);
87  initLut(lut.get());
88  return lut;
89 }
91 /// @brief Compute crc32 checksum of @c data of @c size bytes (without a lookup table))
92 /// @param data pointer to beginning of data
93 /// @param size byte size of data
94 /// @param crc initial value of crc32 checksum
95 /// @return return crc32 checksum of @c data
96 inline __hostdev__ uint32_t checksum(const void* data, size_t size, uint32_t crc = 0)
97 {
98  crc = ~crc;
99  for (auto *p = (const uint8_t*)data, *q = p + size; p != q; ++p) {
100  crc ^= *p;
101  for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) crc = (crc >> 1) ^ (0xEDB88320 & (-(crc & 1)));
102  }
103  return ~crc;
104 }
106 /// @brief Compute crc32 checksum of data between @c begin and @c end
107 /// @param begin points to beginning of data
108 /// @param end points to end of @data, (exclusive)
109 /// @param crc initial value of crc32 checksum
110 /// @return return crc32 checksum
111 inline __hostdev__ uint32_t checksum(const void *begin, const void *end, uint32_t crc = 0)
112 {
113  NANOVDB_ASSERT(begin && end);
114  NANOVDB_ASSERT(end >= begin);
115  return checksum(begin, (const char*)end - (const char*)begin, crc);
116 }
118 /// @brief Compute crc32 checksum of @c data with @c size bytes using a lookup table
119 /// @param data pointer to begenning of data
120 /// @param size byte size
121 /// @param lut pointer to loopup table for accelerated crc32 computation
122 /// @param crc initial value of the checksum
123 /// @return crc32 checksum of @c data with @c size bytes
124 inline __hostdev__ uint32_t checksum(const void *data, size_t size, const uint32_t lut[256], uint32_t crc = 0)
125 {
126  crc = ~crc;
127  for (auto *p = (const uint8_t*)data, *q = p + size; p != q; ++p) crc = lut[(crc ^ *p) & 0xFF] ^ (crc >> 8);
128  return ~crc;
129 }
131 /// @brief Compute crc32 checksum of data between @c begin and @c end using a lookup table
132 /// @param begin points to beginning of data
133 /// @param end points to end of @data, (exclusive)
134 /// @param lut pointer to loopup table for accelerated crc32 computation
135 /// @param crc initial value of crc32 checksum
136 /// @return return crc32 checksum
137 inline __hostdev__ uint32_t checksum(const void *begin, const void *end, const uint32_t lut[256], uint32_t crc = 0)
138 {
139  NANOVDB_ASSERT(begin && end);
140  NANOVDB_ASSERT(end >= begin);
141  return checksum(begin, (const char*)end - (const char*)begin, lut, crc);
142 }
144 }// namespace crc32
146 /// @brief Class that encapsulates two CRC32 checksums, one for the Grid, Tree and Root node meta data
147 /// and one for the remaining grid nodes.
149 {
150  /// Three types of checksums:
151  /// 1) Empty: all 64 bits are on (used to signify no checksum)
152  /// 2) Partial: Upper 32 bits are on and not all of lower 32 bits are on (lower 32 bits checksum head of grid)
153  /// 3) Full: Not all of the 64 bits are one (lower 32 bits checksum head of grid and upper 32 bits checksum tail of grid)
154  union {uint32_t mCRC[2]; uint64_t mChecksum; };// mCRC[0] is checksum of Grid, Tree and Root, and mCRC[1] is checksum of nodes
155  static constexpr uint32_t EMPTY32 = ~uint32_t{0};
157 public:
159  static constexpr uint64_t EMPTY = ~uint64_t(0);
161  /// @brief default constructor initiates checksum to EMPTY
162  GridChecksum() : mCRC{EMPTY32, EMPTY32} {}
164  /// @brief Constructor that allows the two 32bit checksums to be initiated explicitly
165  /// @param head Initial 32bit CRC checksum of grid, tree and root data
166  /// @param tail Initial 32bit CRC checksum of all the nodes and blind data
167  GridChecksum(uint32_t head, uint32_t tail) : mCRC{head, tail} {}
169  /// @brief
170  /// @param checksum
171  /// @param mode
173  {
174  if (mode == ChecksumMode::Partial) mCRC[1] = EMPTY32;
175  }
177  /// @brief return the 64 bit checksum of this instance
178  uint64_t checksum() const { return mChecksum; }
180  /// @brief return 32 bit (crc32) checksum of this instance
181  /// @param i index of value 0 or 1 indicated the 32 bit checksum of the head or nodes
182  /// @return non-const reference of the i'th 32bit checksum
183  uint32_t& checksum(int i) {NANOVDB_ASSERT(i==0 || i==1); return mCRC[i]; }
185  /// @brief return 32 bit (crc32) checksum of this instance
186  /// @param i index of value 0 or 1 indicated the 32 bit checksum of the head or nodes
187  /// @return copy of the i'th 32bit checksum
188  uint32_t checksum(int i) const {NANOVDB_ASSERT(i==0 || i==1); return mCRC[i]; }
190  /// @brief return true if the 64 bit checksum is partial, i.e. of head only
191  bool isPartial() const { return mCRC[0] != EMPTY32 && mCRC[1] == EMPTY32; }
193  /// @brief return true if the 64 bit checksum is fill, i.e. of both had and nodes
194  bool isFull() const { return mCRC[0] != EMPTY32 && mCRC[1] != EMPTY32; }
196  /// @brief return true if the 64 bit checksum is disables (unset)
197  bool isEmpty() const { return mChecksum == EMPTY; }
199  /// @brief return the mode of the 64 bit checksum
201  {
204  }
206  /// @brief compute checksum of @c gridData using a 4KB blocked approach
207  /// @param gridData Reference to GridData
208  /// @param mode Mode of the checksum computation
209  ChecksumMode operator()(const GridData &gridData, ChecksumMode mode = ChecksumMode::Full);
210 #else
211  /// @brief Compute checksum using old (node-based) approach
212  /// @tparam ValueT Build type of the grid
213  /// @param grid Reference to Grid
214  /// @param mode Mode of the checksum computation
215  template <typename ValueT>
217 #endif
218  /// @brief return true if the checksums are identical
219  /// @param rhs other GridChecksum
220  bool operator==(const GridChecksum &rhs) const {return mChecksum == rhs.mChecksum;}
222  /// @brief return true if the checksums are not identical
223  /// @param rhs other GridChecksum
224  bool operator!=(const GridChecksum &rhs) const {return mChecksum != rhs.mChecksum;}
225 };// GridChecksum
227 // [GridData][TreeData]---[RootData][ROOT TILES...]---[NodeData<5>]---[NodeData<4>]---[LeafData<3>]---[BLINDMETA...]---[BLIND0]---[BLIND1]---etc.
231 inline ChecksumMode GridChecksum::operator()(const GridData &gridData, ChecksumMode mode)
232 {
233  mChecksum = EMPTY;
235  if (mode == ChecksumMode::Disable) return ChecksumMode::Disable;
237  auto lut = crc32::createLut();
238  const uint8_t *begin = (const uint8_t*)(&gridData), *mid = gridData.template nodePtr<2>(), *end = begin + gridData.mGridSize;// what about empty grids?
239  if (mid == nullptr) {// no (upper) nodes
240  if (gridData.mBlindMetadataCount) {
241  mid = begin + gridData.mBlindMetadataOffset;// exclude blind data from Partial checksum
242  } else {
243  mid = end;// no nodes or blind data, so Partial checksum is computed on the entire grid buffer
244  }
245  }
246  mCRC[0] = crc32::checksum(begin + 16, mid, lut.get());// GridData, TreeData. RootData but exclude GridData::mMagic and GridData::mChecksum
248  if (mode != ChecksumMode::Full || mid == end) return ChecksumMode::Partial;
250  uint64_t size = end - mid;// includes blind data
251  const uint64_t blockCount = size >> NANOVDB_CRC32_LOG2_BLOCK_SIZE;// number of 4 KB (4096 byte) blocks
252  std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> checksums(new uint32_t[blockCount]);
253  forEach(0, blockCount, 64, [&](const Range1D &r) {
255  uint32_t *p = checksums.get() + r.begin();
256  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
257  if (i+1 == blockCount) blockSize += size - (blockCount<<NANOVDB_CRC32_LOG2_BLOCK_SIZE);
258  *p++ = crc32::checksum(mid + (i<<NANOVDB_CRC32_LOG2_BLOCK_SIZE), blockSize, lut.get());
259  }
260  });
261  mCRC[1] = crc32::checksum(checksums.get(), sizeof(uint32_t)*blockCount, lut.get());
263  return ChecksumMode::Full;
264 }// GridChecksum::operator(const GridData&, ChecksumMode)
268 template <typename ValueT>
270 {
271  // Validate the assumed memory layout
272  static_assert(offsetof(GridData, mMagic) == 0, "Unexpected offset to magic number");
273  static_assert(offsetof(GridData, mChecksum) == 8, "Unexpected offset to checksum");
274  static_assert(offsetof(GridData, mVersion) == 16, "Unexpected offset to version number");
276  mChecksum = EMPTY;
278  if (mode == ChecksumMode::Disable) return;
280  auto lut = crc32::createLut();
281  const uint8_t *begin = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&grid), *mid = grid.template nodePtr<2>();
283  mCRC[0] = crc32::checksum(begin + 16, mid, lut.get());// process Grid + Tree + Root but exclude mMagic and mChecksum
285  if (mode != ChecksumMode::Full || grid.isEmpty()) return;
287  const auto &tree = grid.tree();
288  const auto &root = tree.root();
289  auto nodeMgrHandle = createNodeManager(grid);
290  auto *nodeMgr = nodeMgrHandle.template mgr<ValueT>();
291  assert(isValid(nodeMgr));
292  const auto nodeCount = tree.nodeCount(0) + tree.nodeCount(1) + tree.nodeCount(2);
293  std::vector<uint32_t> checksums(nodeCount, 0);
294  // process upper internal nodes
295  auto kernel2 = [&](const Range1D &r) {
296  uint32_t *p = checksums.data() + r.begin();
297  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
298  const auto &node = nodeMgr->upper(static_cast<uint32_t>(i));
299  *p++ = crc32::checksum(&node, node.memUsage(), lut.get());
300  }
301  };
302  // process lower internal nodes
303  auto kernel1 = [&](const Range1D &r) {
304  uint32_t *p = checksums.data() + r.begin() + tree.nodeCount(2);
305  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
306  const auto &node = nodeMgr->lower(static_cast<uint32_t>(i));
307  *p++ = crc32::checksum(&node, node.memUsage(), lut.get());
308  }
309  };
310  // process leaf nodes
311  auto kernel0 = [&](const Range1D &r) {
312  uint32_t *p = checksums.data() + r.begin() + tree.nodeCount(1) + tree.nodeCount(2);
313  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
314  const auto &leaf = nodeMgr->leaf(static_cast<uint32_t>(i));
315  *p++ = crc32::checksum(&leaf, leaf.memUsage(), lut.get());
316  }
317  };
318  forEach(0, tree.nodeCount(2), 1, kernel2);
319  forEach(0, tree.nodeCount(1), 1, kernel1);
320  forEach(0, tree.nodeCount(0), 8, kernel0);
321  mCRC[1] = crc32::checksum(checksums.data(), sizeof(uint32_t)*checksums.size(), lut.get());
322 }// GridChecksum::operator()
326 template <typename ValueT>
327 uint64_t checksum(const NanoGrid<ValueT> &grid, ChecksumMode mode)
328 {
329  GridChecksum cs;
330  cs(grid, mode);
331  return cs.checksum();
332 }
334 template <typename ValueT>
336 {
337  GridChecksum cs1(grid.checksum(), mode), cs2;
338  cs2(grid, cs1.mode() );
339  return cs1 == cs2;
340 }
342 template <typename ValueT>
344 {
345  GridChecksum cs;
346  cs(grid, mode);
347  grid.data()->mChecksum = cs.checksum();
348 }
350 inline bool updateChecksum(GridData &gridData, ChecksumMode mode)
351 {
353  GridChecksum cs;
354  cs(gridData, mode);
355  gridData.mChecksum = cs.checksum();
356 #else
357  if (mode == ChecksumMode::Disable) return false;
358  switch (data->mGridType){
359  case GridType::Float:
360  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<float>*>(data), mode);
361  break;
362  case GridType::Double:
363  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<double>*>(data), mode);
364  break;
365  case GridType::Int16:
366  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<int16_t>*>(data), mode);
367  break;
368  case GridType::Int32:
369  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<int32_t>*>(data), mode);
370  break;
371  case GridType::Int64:
372  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<int64_t>*>(data), mode);
373  break;
374  case GridType::Vec3f:
375  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<Vec3f>*>(data), mode);
376  break;
377  case GridType::Vec3d:
378  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<Vec3d>*>(data), mode);
379  break;
380  case GridType::UInt32:
381  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<uint32_t>*>(data), mode);
382  break;
383  case GridType::Mask:
384  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<ValueMask>*>(data), mode);
385  break;
386  case GridType::Index:
387  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<ValueIndex>*>(data), mode);
388  break;
389  case GridType::OnIndex:
390  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<ValueOnIndex>*>(data), mode);
391  break;
392  case GridType::IndexMask:
393  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<ValueIndexMask>*>(data), mode);
394  break;
396  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<ValueOnIndexMask>*>(data), mode);
397  break;
398  case GridType::Boolean:
399  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<bool>*>(data), mode);
400  break;
401  case GridType::RGBA8:
402  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<Rgba8>*>(data), mode);
403  break;
404  case GridType::Fp4:
405  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<Fp4>*>(data), mode);
406  break;
407  case GridType::Fp8:
408  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<Fp8>*>(data), mode);
409  break;
410  case GridType::Fp16:
411  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<Fp16>*>(data), mode);
412  break;
413  case GridType::FpN:
414  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<FpN>*>(data), mode);
415  break;
416  case GridType::Vec4f:
417  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<Vec4f>*>(data), mode);
418  break;
419  case GridType::Vec4d:
420  updateChecksum(*reinterpret_cast<NanoGrid<Vec4d>*>(data), mode);
421  break;
422  default: {
423  std::stringstream ss;
424  ss << "Cannot update checksum for grid of unknown type \"" << toStr(data->mGridType);
425  throw std::runtime_error(ss.str() + "\"");
426  }
427  }// switch
428 #endif
429  return true;
430 }// updateChecksum(GridData *data, ChecksumMode mode)
432 /// @brief Preserve the existing mode of the checksum and update it if it's not disabled
433 /// @param data
434 /// @return
435 inline bool updateChecksum(GridData *data)
436 {
437  GridChecksum cs(data->mChecksum);
438  const auto mode = cs.mode();
439  return updateChecksum(*data, mode);
440 }// updateChecksum(GridData *data)
442 /// @brief Updates the ground index and count, as well as the partial checksum if needed
443 /// @param data Pointer to grid data
444 /// @param gridIndex New value of the index
445 /// @param gridCount New value of the grid count
446 /// @return returns true if the checksum was updated
447 inline bool updateGridCount(GridData *data, uint32_t gridIndex, uint32_t gridCount)
448 {
449  NANOVDB_ASSERT(gridIndex < gridCount);
450  if (data->mGridIndex == gridIndex && data->mGridCount == gridCount) return false;// nothing to update
451  data->mGridIndex = gridIndex;
452  data->mGridCount = gridCount;
453  GridChecksum cs(data->mChecksum);
454  if (cs.isEmpty()) return false;// no checksum to update
455  updateChecksum(*data, ChecksumMode::Partial);// only update the checksum of the grid since we only modified the GridData
456  reinterpret_cast<GridChecksum*>(&(data->mChecksum))->checksum(1) = cs.checksum(1);// copy the old checksum of the tree nodes since it was set to EMPTY during the update
457  return true;
458 }
460 } // namespace nanovdb
bool updateGridCount(GridData *data, uint32_t gridIndex, uint32_t gridCount)
Updates the ground index and count, as well as the partial checksum if needed.
Definition: GridChecksum.h:447
__hostdev__ uint32_t checksum(const void *data, size_t size, uint32_t crc=0)
Compute crc32 checksum of data of size bytes (without a lookup table))
Definition: GridChecksum.h:96
__hostdev__ const TreeT & tree() const
Return a const reference to the tree.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3740
__hostdev__ bool isValid(GridType gridType, GridClass gridClass)
return true if the combination of GridType and GridClass is valid.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:860
__hostdev__ uint64_t checksum() const
Return checksum of the grid buffer.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3851
UT_StringArray JOINTS head
__hostdev__ DataType * data()
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3709
Highest level of the data structure. Contains a tree and a world->index transform (that currently onl...
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3685
void forEach(RangeT range, const FuncT &func)
simple wrapper for tbb::parallel_for with a naive std fallback
Definition: ForEach.h:40
__hostdev__ void initLut(uint32_t lut[256], uint32_t n)
Initiate single entry in look-up-table for CRC32 computations.
Definition: GridChecksum.h:72
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble q
Definition: glad.h:2445
Class that encapsulates two CRC32 checksums, one for the Grid, Tree and Root node meta data and one f...
Definition: GridChecksum.h:148
bool validateChecksum(const NanoGrid< BuildT > &grid, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default)
Return true if the checksum of the grid matches the expected value already encoded into the grid's me...
Definition: NanoVDB.h:190
A unified wrapper for tbb::parallel_for and a naive std::thread fallback.
GLdouble n
Definition: glcorearb.h:2008
GridChecksum(uint32_t head, uint32_t tail)
Constructor that allows the two 32bit checksums to be initiated explicitly.
Definition: GridChecksum.h:167
ChecksumMode operator()(const GridData &gridData, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Full)
compute checksum of gridData using a 4KB blocked approach
Definition: GridChecksum.h:231
Implements a light-weight self-contained VDB data-structure in a single file! In other words...
std::unique_ptr< uint32_t[]> createLut()
Create and initiate entire look-up-table for CRC32 computations.
Definition: GridChecksum.h:84
GLuint GLuint end
Definition: glcorearb.h:475
static constexpr uint64_t EMPTY
Definition: GridChecksum.h:159
void updateChecksum(NanoGrid< BuildT > &grid, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default)
Updates the checksum of a grid.
Range< 1, size_t > Range1D
Definition: Range.h:30
uint64_t checksum(const NanoGrid< BuildT > &grid, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default)
Return the (2 x CRC32) checksum of the specified grid.
bool operator==(const GridChecksum &rhs) const
return true if the checksums are identical
Definition: GridChecksum.h:220
bool isPartial() const
return true if the 64 bit checksum is partial, i.e. of head only
Definition: GridChecksum.h:191
GridChecksum(uint64_t checksum, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Full)
Definition: GridChecksum.h:172
NodeManagerHandle< BufferT > createNodeManager(const NanoGrid< BuildT > &grid, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT())
brief Construct a NodeManager and return its handle
Definition: NodeManager.h:284
GLenum mode
Definition: glcorearb.h:99
GLint j
Definition: glad.h:2733
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glcorearb.h:664
const char * toStr(GridType gridType)
Maps a GridType to a c-string.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:326
bool operator!=(const GridChecksum &rhs) const
return true if the checksums are not identical
Definition: GridChecksum.h:224
List of different modes for computing for a checksum.
Definition: GridChecksum.h:38
Definition: GridChecksum.h:33
bool isFull() const
return true if the 64 bit checksum is fill, i.e. of both had and nodes
Definition: GridChecksum.h:194
uint32_t checksum(int i) const
return 32 bit (crc32) checksum of this instance
Definition: GridChecksum.h:188
Definition: UT_RTreeImpl.h:697
default constructor initiates checksum to EMPTY
Definition: GridChecksum.h:162
GLboolean r
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
ChecksumMode mode() const
return the mode of the 64 bit checksum
Definition: GridChecksum.h:200
uint32_t & checksum(int i)
return 32 bit (crc32) checksum of this instance
Definition: GridChecksum.h:183
uint64_t checksum() const
return the 64 bit checksum of this instance
Definition: GridChecksum.h:178
#define __hostdev__
Definition: NanoVDB.h:213
bool isEmpty() const
return true if the 64 bit checksum is disables (unset)
Definition: GridChecksum.h:197
Definition: format.h:895
PcpNodeRef_ChildrenIterator begin(const PcpNodeRef::child_const_range &r)
Support for range-based for loops for PcpNodeRef children ranges.
Definition: node.h:558