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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
3 ///
4 /// @file LevelSetSphere.h
5 ///
6 /// @brief Generate a narrow-band level set of sphere.
7 ///
8 /// @note By definition a level set has a fixed narrow band width
9 /// (the half width is defined by LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH in Types.h),
10 /// whereas an SDF can have a variable narrow band width.
15 #include <openvdb/openvdb.h>
16 #include <openvdb/Grid.h>
17 #include <openvdb/Types.h>
18 #include <openvdb/math/Math.h>
21 #include "SignedFloodFill.h"
23 #include <type_traits>
25 #include <tbb/enumerable_thread_specific.h>
26 #include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
27 #include <tbb/parallel_reduce.h>
28 #include <tbb/blocked_range.h>
29 #include <thread>
31 namespace openvdb {
34 namespace tools {
36 /// @brief Return a grid of type @c GridType containing a narrow-band level set
37 /// representation of a sphere.
38 ///
39 /// @param radius radius of the sphere in world units
40 /// @param center center of the sphere in world units
41 /// @param voxelSize voxel size in world units
42 /// @param halfWidth half the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
43 /// @param interrupt a pointer adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface
44 /// @param threaded if true multi-threading is enabled (true by default)
45 ///
46 /// @note @c GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.
47 /// @note The leapfrog algorithm employed in this method is best suited
48 /// for a single large sphere. For multiple small spheres consider
49 /// using the faster algorithm in ParticlesToLevelSet.h
50 template<typename GridType, typename InterruptT>
51 typename GridType::Ptr
52 createLevelSetSphere(float radius, const openvdb::Vec3f& center, float voxelSize,
53  float halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
54  InterruptT* interrupt = nullptr, bool threaded = true);
56 /// @brief Return a grid of type @c GridType containing a narrow-band level set
57 /// representation of a sphere.
58 ///
59 /// @param radius radius of the sphere in world units
60 /// @param center center of the sphere in world units
61 /// @param voxelSize voxel size in world units
62 /// @param halfWidth half the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
63 /// @param threaded if true multi-threading is enabled (true by default)
64 ///
65 /// @note @c GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.
66 /// @note The leapfrog algorithm employed in this method is best suited
67 /// for a single large sphere. For multiple small spheres consider
68 /// using the faster algorithm in ParticlesToLevelSet.h
69 template<typename GridType>
70 typename GridType::Ptr
71 createLevelSetSphere(float radius, const openvdb::Vec3f& center, float voxelSize,
72  float halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), bool threaded = true)
73 {
74  return createLevelSetSphere<GridType, util::NullInterrupter>(radius,center,voxelSize,halfWidth,nullptr,threaded);
75 }
78 ////////////////////////////////////////
81 /// @brief Generates a signed distance field (or narrow band level
82 /// set) to a single sphere.
83 ///
84 /// @note The leapfrog algorithm employed in this class is best
85 /// suited for a single large sphere. For multiple small spheres consider
86 /// using the faster algorithm in tools/ParticlesToLevelSet.h
87 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT = util::NullInterrupter>
89 {
90 public:
91  using TreeT = typename GridT::TreeType;
92  using ValueT = typename GridT::ValueType;
93  using Vec3T = typename math::Vec3<ValueT>;
95  "level set grids must have scalar, floating-point value types");
97  /// @brief Constructor
98  ///
99  /// @param radius radius of the sphere in world units
100  /// @param center center of the sphere in world units
101  /// @param interrupt pointer to optional interrupter. Use template
102  /// argument util::NullInterrupter if no interruption is desired.
103  ///
104  /// @note If the radius of the sphere is smaller than
105  /// 1.5*voxelSize, i.e. the sphere is smaller than the Nyquist
106  /// frequency of the grid, it is ignored!
107  LevelSetSphere(ValueT radius, const Vec3T &center, InterruptT* interrupt = nullptr)
108  : mRadius(radius), mCenter(center), mInterrupt(interrupt)
109  {
110  if (mRadius<=0) OPENVDB_THROW(ValueError, "radius must be positive");
111  }
113  /// @return a narrow-band level set of the sphere
114  ///
115  /// @param voxelSize Size of voxels in world units
116  /// @param halfWidth Half-width of narrow-band in voxel units
117  /// @param threaded If true multi-threading is enabled (true by default)
118  typename GridT::Ptr getLevelSet(ValueT voxelSize, ValueT halfWidth, bool threaded = true)
119  {
120  mGrid = createLevelSet<GridT>(voxelSize, halfWidth);
121  this->rasterSphere(voxelSize, halfWidth, threaded);
122  mGrid->setGridClass(GRID_LEVEL_SET);
123  return mGrid;
124  }
126 private:
127  void rasterSphere(ValueT dx, ValueT w, bool threaded)
128  {
129  if (!(dx>0.0f)) OPENVDB_THROW(ValueError, "voxel size must be positive");
130  if (!(w>1)) OPENVDB_THROW(ValueError, "half-width must be larger than one");
132  // Define radius of sphere and narrow-band in voxel units
133  const ValueT r0 = mRadius/dx, rmax = r0 + w;
135  // Radius below the Nyquist frequency
136  if (r0 < 1.5f) return;
138  // Define center of sphere in voxel units
139  const Vec3T c(mCenter[0]/dx, mCenter[1]/dx, mCenter[2]/dx);
141  // Define bounds of the voxel coordinates
142  const int imin=math::Floor(c[0]-rmax), imax=math::Ceil(c[0]+rmax);
143  const int jmin=math::Floor(c[1]-rmax), jmax=math::Ceil(c[1]+rmax);
144  const int kmin=math::Floor(c[2]-rmax), kmax=math::Ceil(c[2]+rmax);
146  // Allocate a ValueAccessor for accelerated random access
147  typename GridT::Accessor accessor = mGrid->getAccessor();
149  if (mInterrupt) mInterrupt->start("Generating level set of sphere");
151  tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<TreeT> pool(mGrid->tree());
153  auto kernel = [&](const tbb::blocked_range<int>& r) {
154  openvdb::Coord ijk;
155  int &i = ijk[0], &j = ijk[1], &k = ijk[2], m=1;
156  TreeT &tree = pool.local();
157  typename GridT::Accessor acc(tree);
158  // Compute signed distances to sphere using leapfrogging in k
159  for (i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
160  if (util::wasInterrupted(mInterrupt)) return;
161  const auto x2 = math::Pow2(ValueT(i) - c[0]);
162  for (j = jmin; j <= jmax; ++j) {
163  const auto x2y2 = math::Pow2(ValueT(j) - c[1]) + x2;
164  for (k = kmin; k <= kmax; k += m) {
165  m = 1;
166  // Distance in voxel units to sphere
167  const auto v = math::Sqrt(x2y2 + math::Pow2(ValueT(k)-c[2]))-r0;
168  const auto d = math::Abs(v);
169  if (d < w) { // inside narrow band
170  acc.setValue(ijk, dx*v);// distance in world units
171  } else { // outside narrow band
172  m += math::Floor(d-w);// leapfrog
173  }
174  }//end leapfrog over k
175  }//end loop over j
176  }//end loop over i
177  };// kernel
179  if (threaded) {
180  // The code blow is making use of a TLS container to minimize the number of concurrent trees
181  // initially populated by tbb::parallel_for and subsequently merged by tbb::parallel_reduce.
182  // Experiments have demonstrated this approach to outperform others, including serial reduction
183  // and a custom concurrent reduction implementation.
184  tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(imin, imax, 128), kernel);
185  using RangeT = tbb::blocked_range<typename tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<TreeT>::iterator>;
186  struct Op {
187  const bool mDelete;
188  TreeT *mTree;
189  Op(TreeT &tree) : mDelete(false), mTree(&tree) {}
190  Op(const Op& other, tbb::split) : mDelete(true), mTree(new TreeT(other.mTree->background())) {}
191  ~Op() { if (mDelete) delete mTree; }
192  void operator()(const RangeT &r) { for (auto i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) this->merge(*i);}
193  void join(Op &other) { this->merge(*(other.mTree)); }
194  void merge(TreeT &tree) { mTree->merge(tree, openvdb::MERGE_ACTIVE_STATES); }
195  } op( mGrid->tree() );
196  tbb::parallel_reduce(RangeT(pool.begin(), pool.end(), 4), op);
197  } else {
198  kernel(tbb::blocked_range<int>(imin, imax));//serial
199  mGrid->tree().merge(*pool.begin(), openvdb::MERGE_ACTIVE_STATES);
200  }
202  // Define consistent signed distances outside the narrow-band
203  tools::signedFloodFill(mGrid->tree(), threaded);
205  if (mInterrupt) mInterrupt->end();
206  }
208  const ValueT mRadius;
209  const Vec3T mCenter;
210  InterruptT* mInterrupt;
211  typename GridT::Ptr mGrid;
212 };// LevelSetSphere
215 ////////////////////////////////////////
218 template<typename GridType, typename InterruptT>
219 typename GridType::Ptr
220 createLevelSetSphere(float radius, const openvdb::Vec3f& center, float voxelSize,
221  float halfWidth, InterruptT* interrupt, bool threaded)
222 {
223  // GridType::ValueType is required to be a floating-point scalar.
225  "level set grids must have scalar, floating-point value types");
227  using ValueT = typename GridType::ValueType;
228  LevelSetSphere<GridType, InterruptT> factory(ValueT(radius), center, interrupt);
229  return factory.getLevelSet(ValueT(voxelSize), ValueT(halfWidth), threaded);
230 }
233 ////////////////////////////////////////
236 // Explicit Template Instantiation
242 #endif
244 #define _FUNCTION(TreeT) \
245  Grid<TreeT>::Ptr createLevelSetSphere<Grid<TreeT>>(float, const openvdb::Vec3f&, float, float, \
246  util::NullInterrupter*, bool)
248 #undef _FUNCTION
253 } // namespace tools
254 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
255 } // namespace openvdb
void parallel_for(int64_t start, int64_t end, std::function< void(int64_t index)> &&task, parallel_options opt=parallel_options(0, Split_Y, 1))
Definition: parallel.h:127
int Ceil(float x)
Return the ceiling of x.
Definition: Math.h:856
Type Pow2(Type x)
Return x2.
Definition: Math.h:548
const GLdouble * v
Definition: glcorearb.h:837
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition: glcorearb.h:824
Definition: version.h:157
Definition: version.h:239
LevelSetSphere(ValueT radius, const Vec3T &center, InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr)
GridT::Ptr getLevelSet(ValueT voxelSize, ValueT halfWidth, bool threaded=true)
GLdouble GLdouble x2
Definition: glad.h:2349
GLfloat f
Definition: glcorearb.h:1926
Coord Abs(const Coord &xyz)
Definition: Coord.h:517
General-purpose arithmetic and comparison routines, most of which accept arbitrary value types (or at...
float Sqrt(float x)
Return the square root of a floating-point value.
Definition: Math.h:761
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetSphere(float radius, const openvdb::Vec3f &center, float voxelSize, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr, bool threaded=true)
Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a sphere...
Propagate the signs of distance values from the active voxels in the narrow band to the inactive valu...
GLint j
Definition: glad.h:2733
Generates a signed distance field (or narrow band level set) to a single sphere.
void signedFloodFill(TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1, Index minLevel=0)
Set the values of all inactive voxels and tiles of a narrow-band level set from the signs of the acti...
int Floor(float x)
Return the floor of x.
Definition: Math.h:848
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition: glcorearb.h:857
GLboolean r
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
void OIIO_UTIL_API split(string_view str, std::vector< string_view > &result, string_view sep=string_view(), int maxsplit=-1)
bool wasInterrupted(T *i, int percent=-1)
The version namespace name for this library version.
Definition: version.h:119
bool ValueType
Definition: NanoVDB.h:5729
#define OPENVDB_THROW(exception, message)
Definition: Exceptions.h:74
auto join(It begin, Sentinel end, string_view sep) -> join_view< It, Sentinel >
Definition: format.h:2559
**Note that the tasks the is the thread number *for the pool
Definition: thread.h:637