9 #ifndef __PDG_ATTRIBUTE_FILE_H__
10 #define __PDG_ATTRIBUTE_FILE_H__
28 PDG_AttributeType::eFileArray,
38 using Base::appendValue;
102 bool replace_expected);
108 bool replace_expected);
Return any file type (real or expected)
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
Class which writes ASCII or binary JSON streams.
const ArrayType & values() const
virtual bool loadData(const UT_JSONValue &)=0
Loads data from a JSON value.
int64 Hash
The file hash/modtime type.
const DataType & appendValue(const DataType &value)
Enumeration of attribute cast results.
virtual bool saveData(UT_JSONWriter &) const =0
Serializes the data to a JSON writer.
GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLint * values
An array of PDG_File values, e.g. File info structs.
virtual int64 getMemoryUsage(bool inclusive) const =0
Returns the memory usage of the attribute and its data.
Class to store JSON objects as C++ objects.
virtual PDG_AttributeData * clone() const =0
Deep copies this attribute.