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GAS_NetFetchData Class Reference

#include <GAS_NetFetchData.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for GAS_NetFetchData:

Public Member Functions

 GET_DATA_FUNC_I ("peer", Peer)
 GET_DATA_FUNC_I ("npeer", NPeer)
 GET_DATA_FUNC_S ("srcobject", SourceObject)
 GET_DATA_FUNC_S ("srcdataname", SourceDataName)
 GET_DATA_FUNC_I ("srcpeer", SourcePeer)
 GET_DATA_FUNC_S ("dstdataname", DestDataName)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GAS_SubSolver
SIM_Result solveObjectsSubclass (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_ObjectArray &objects, SIM_ObjectArray &newobjects, SIM_ObjectArray &feedbacktoobjects, const SIM_Time &timestep) override
 Merely calls solve on each object. More...
SIM_Result postSolveObjectsSubclass (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_ObjectArray &objects, SIM_ObjectArray &newobjects, SIM_ObjectArray &feedbacktoobjects, const SIM_Time &timestep) override
 Merely calls postSolve on each object. More...
virtual bool solveGas (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_Object *obj, SIM_Time time, SIM_Time timestep)
const SIM_GeometrygetGeometry (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
SIM_GeometrygetGeometryNonConst (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
const GA_PointGroupgetPointGroup (const GU_Detail *gdp, GOP_Manager &mgr, const char *parmname=GAS_NAME_PTGROUP)
SIM_GeometryCopygetGeometryCopy (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
SIM_GeometryCopygetGeometryCopyByDataName (SIM_Object *obj, const char *dataname, bool silent=false)
SIM_ScalarFieldgetScalarField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
SIM_VectorFieldgetVectorField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
SIM_MatrixFieldgetMatrixField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
SIM_IndexFieldgetIndexField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
const SIM_ScalarFieldgetConstScalarField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
const SIM_VectorFieldgetConstVectorField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
const SIM_MatrixFieldgetConstMatrixField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
const SIM_IndexFieldgetConstIndexField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
const SIM_PositiongetConstPosFromField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name)
void getWorldToGeometry (UT_DMatrix4 &xform, SIM_Object *obj, const char *geopath)
 Builds the transform mapping world -> geo. More...
void getGeometryToWorld (UT_DMatrix4 &xform, SIM_Object *obj, const char *geopath)
 Builds the transform mapping geo -> world. More...
SIM_GeometryCopygetOrCreateGeometry (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name)
SIM_ScalarFieldgetOrCreateScalarField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name)
SIM_VectorFieldgetOrCreateVectorField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name)
SIM_MatrixFieldgetOrCreateMatrixField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name)
SIM_IndexFieldgetOrCreateIndexField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name)
void getMatchingData (SIM_DataArray &data, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
void getMatchingData (SIM_DataArray &data, UT_StringArray &datanames, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
void getMatchingDataByName (SIM_DataArray &data, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
void getMatchingDataByName (SIM_DataArray &data, UT_StringArray &datanames, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
void getMatchingConstData (SIM_ConstDataArray &data, UT_StringArray &datanames, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
void getMatchingGeoCopy (SIM_DataArray &data, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
void getMatchingGeoCopyByName (SIM_DataArray &data, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false)
void matchField (SIM_ScalarField *field, const SIM_ScalarField *reffield)
void matchField (SIM_VectorField *field, const SIM_ScalarField *reffield)
void matchField (SIM_MatrixField *field, const SIM_ScalarField *reffield)
void matchField (SIM_IndexField *field, const SIM_ScalarField *reffield)
void buildRelationshipField (SIM_ScalarField *mask, SIM_VectorField *vel, SIM_IndexField *index, const SIM_ScalarField *stencil, UT_DMatrix4 masktoworld, const SIM_Object *srcobj, bool usepoint, bool usesdf, bool allownonsdf, bool negate, fpreal particlebandwidth, fpreal bandwidth, fpreal velscale=1, const UT_Vector3 &wind=UT_Vector3(0.0f))
bool findReferenceBBox (const SIM_Object *, const char *parmname, const char *groupparmname, UT_Vector3 &center, UT_Vector3 &size, UT_DMatrix4 &xform)
void reportCLError (SIM_Object *obj, int err, const char *msg) const
SYS_STATIC_FORCE_INLINE float mixValues (MIX_NAMES mixtype, float d, float s)
 Performs the requires mixing. More...
void clearForces (GU_Detail *gdp, bool cleartorque=false) const
 Zeros out the force and optionaly torque attributes. More...
void clearForces (GU_Detail *gdp, const GA_PointGroup *grp, bool cleartorque) const
 THREADED_METHOD6_CONST (GAS_SubSolver, gdp->getNumPoints() > 2048, applyForces, GU_Detail *, gdp, const GA_PointGroup *, ptgrp, SIM_Time, timestep, bool, densityscale, bool, doorient, bool, updatepos) void applyForcesPartial(GU_Detail *gdp
bool buildSPH (GAS_SPH &sph, const SIM_Geometry *geo) const
bool buildSPH (GAS_SPH &sph, const SIM_Object *obj) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SIM_Solver
SIM_Result solveObjects (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_ObjectArray &objects, SIM_ObjectArray &newobjects, SIM_ObjectArray &feedbacktoobjects, const SIM_Time &timestep)
SIM_Result postSolveObjects (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_ObjectArray &objects, SIM_ObjectArray &newobjects, SIM_ObjectArray &feedbacktoobjects, const SIM_Time &timestep)
SIM_Result solveRelationship (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_Relationship &relationship, const SIM_Time &timestep)
int getRequestedCache () const
void getImpulseMassMatrix (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_Vector3 &impulseworldpos, UT_DMatrix3 &immatrix) const
void getPointImpulseMassMatrix (const SIM_Object &object, GA_Index ptnum, UT_DMatrix3 &immatrix) const
SIM_PointImpulseMassMatrixResolvergetPointImpulseMassMatrixResolver (const SIM_Object &object) const
 Builds a resolver to efficiently compute mass matrices. More...
fpreal getPropertyAtPosition (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_Vector3 &worldpos, const SIM_Property &property) const
fpreal getPropertyAtPoint (const SIM_Object &object, GA_Index ptnum, const SIM_Property &property) const
SIM_PropertyResolvergetPropertyResolver (const SIM_Object &object, const SIM_Property &property) const
 Builds a resolver to efficiently compute property values. More...
void getDefaultColliderLabel (const SIM_Object &object, UT_String &label) const
 Gets the default collider label for an object using this solver. More...
void getDefaultCollider (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_String &colliderlabel, UT_String &collidertype, bool &colliderreverseobjectroles) const
void setStartTime (const SIM_Time &starttime)
bool isStatic (const SIM_Object *obj) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SIM_Data
const UT_StringHoldergetDataType () const
void initialize (const SIM_SubdataBehavior &subdatabehavior)
void makeEqual (const SIM_Data *source, const SIM_SubdataBehavior &subdatabehavior)
void setParameters (const SIM_Options &parms)
void interpolate (const SIM_Data *source1, const SIM_Data *source2, fpreal interp)
int64 getMemorySize () const
bool getIsAlternateRepresentation () const
bool saveToFile (const char *filename, UT_CompressionType compressionType) const
bool saveToStream (std::ostream &os, UT_CompressionType compressionType) const
void appendFullDataPath (const SIM_Data *subdata, bool useobjectid, UT_String &datapath) const
bool loadFromFile (const char *filename)
bool loadFromStream (UT_IStream &is, bool skiptype=false)
bool getIsOfType (const UT_StringRef &datatype) const
const voidgetConstPointerToType (const UT_StringRef &datatype) const
voidgetPointerToType (const UT_StringRef &datatype)
int getNumSubData () const
 Get the number of sub-data items attached to this data. More...
const UT_StringHoldergetSubDataName (int index) const
 Get the name of the sub-data at a particular index location. More...
int getSubDataIndex (const SIM_Data *subdata) const
bool buildSubDataPath (const SIM_Data *subdata, UT_String &pathto) const
const SIM_QuerygetQueryObject () const
SIM_OptionsgetUserOptions ()
const SIM_OptionsgetConstUserOptions () const
long getGuideParmVersion () const
void addGuideDep (DEP_MicroNode &src) const
virtual bool getGuideGeometryList (const SIM_RootData &root, const char *datapath, const SIM_Time &t, UT_Array< GU_ConstDetailHandle > &detailArray, UT_Array< UT_DMatrix4 > &xformArray) const
GU_ConstDetailHandle getGuideGeometry (const SIM_RootData &root, const char *datapath, UT_DMatrix4 &xform, const SIM_Time &t) const
void buildGuideOptions (SIM_Options &options, const SIM_Time &time) const
SIM_DatagetSubData (int index)
const SIM_DatagetConstSubData (int index) const
SIM_DatagetNamedSubData (const char *dataname)
const SIM_DatagetConstNamedSubData (const char *dataname) const
void filterSubData (SIM_DataArray &ncdp, UT_StringArray *names, const SIM_DataFilter &ncfilter, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recursefilter)
void filterConstSubData (SIM_ConstDataArray &dp, UT_StringArray *names, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter) const
SIM_DatagetNthSubData (UT_String *name, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, int n, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter)
const SIM_DatagetNthConstSubData (UT_String *name, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, int n, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter) const
void forEachSubData (SIM_EachDataCallback &cb, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter)
void forEachConstSubData (SIM_EachDataCallback &cb, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter) const
SIM_DatacreateNamedSubData (const char *dataname, const char *datatype, int creationflags, UT_String *newdatanameptr=NULL)
SIM_DatagetOrCreateAlternateRepresentation (const char *dataname, const char *datatype) const
void interpolateSubData (const SIM_Data &source1, const SIM_Data &source2, fpreal interp, const SIM_DataFilter &interpdata, const SIM_DataFilter &recurse)
void setNamedSubData (const char *dataname, const SIM_Data *data, int setflags)
void createUniqueSubDataName (const SIM_Data *subdata, UT_String &dataname) const
void removeNamedSubData (const char *dataname)
 Remove some existing sub-data by name. More...
void removeSubData (int index)
 Remove some existing sub-data by index. More...
void moveNamedSubData (const char *oldname, const char *newname)
const UT_GuidgetUniqueId () const
long getReferenceCount () const
int getCreatorId () const
 Get the ID of the node that created this data. More...
OP_NodegetCreatorNode () const
 Use the creator ID to look up the OP_Node that created this data. More...
OP_NodegetOwnerNetwork () const
 Look up the owner node of our engine to get the DOP Network pointer. More...
const SIM_EnginegetEngine () const
 Get the engine that created us (from our data factory). More...
int getCreatorIndex () const
 Get the output index of the creator node that generated this data. More...
const SIM_TimegetCreationTime () const
 Get the creation time for this data. More...
bool getIsSelected () const
 Get the selected flag for this data. More...
void setIsSelected (bool selected) const
bool getSelectionRepresentsObject () const
void copyCreationInfoFrom (const SIM_Data *source)
OP_NodegetNodePathsRelativeTo () const
OP_NodegetOPNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const
 Given a path relative to our creator node, return an OBJ_Node. More...
OBJ_NodegetOBJNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const
 Given a path relative to our creator node, return an OBJ_Node. More...
SOP_NodegetSOPNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const
 Given a path relative to our creator node, return a SOP_Node. More...
DOP_NodegetDOPNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const
 Given a path relative to our creator node, return a DOP_Node. More...
COP2_NodegetCOP2Node (const char *path, bool addinterest) const
 Given a path relative to our creator node, return a COP2_Node. More...
CHOP_NodegetCHOPNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const
 Given a path relative to our creator node, return a CHOP_Node. More...
void addOPInterest (OP_Node *node) const
 Adds an interest in the specified node to our engine's owner node. More...
void addError (const SIM_RootData *root, int errorcode, const char *errorparm, UT_ErrorSeverity severity) const
 Adds an error to our SIM_Engine. More...
void makeMemberDataUnique ()
virtual void makeMemberDataUniqueSubclass ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SIM_OptionsUser
 SIM_OptionsUser (SIM_Data *owner)
virtual ~SIM_OptionsUser ()
void optionChanged (const char *name)
const SIM_OptionsgetOptions () const

Protected Member Functions

 GAS_NetFetchData (const SIM_DataFactory *factory)
 ~GAS_NetFetchData () override
bool solveGasSubclass (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_Object *obj, SIM_Time time, SIM_Time timestep) override
void processRequest (UT_NetExchange &netxchg, UT_NetMessage *msg, SIM_Engine &engine)
void postDataError (UT_NetExchange &netxchg, int dstpeer, const char *errmsg)
void attachData (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_Object *obj, SIM_Time time, const char *dstdataname, const char *data, int len)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GAS_SubSolver
 GAS_SubSolver (const SIM_DataFactory *factory)
 ~GAS_SubSolver () override
virtual bool postSolveGasSubclass (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_Object *obj, SIM_Time time, SIM_Time timestep)
fpreal getPropertyFromState (const SIM_Object &object, const SIM_Property &property) const
 Get a property value by looking at the Physical Parms of an object. More...
fpreal getPropertyAtPositionSubclass (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_Vector3 &worldspacepos, const SIM_Property &property) const override
 Evaluates property at a given position. More...
fpreal getPropertyAtPointSubclass (const SIM_Object &object, int ptnum, const SIM_Property &property) const override
SIM_PropertyResolvergetPropertyResolverSubclass (const SIM_Object &object, const SIM_Property &property) const override
 Builds a resolver for evaluating properties swiftly. More...
fpreal calculateTimestep (SIM_Engine &engine, const SIM_VectorField *velocity, fpreal cflcond, UT_Vector3 *maxvel=0) const
fpreal calculateTimestep (GU_ConstDetailHandle gdh, fpreal cflcond, fpreal *maxspeed=0, fpreal *minradius=0) const
 THREADED_METHOD1 (GAS_SubSolver, parms.mask->shouldMultiThread(), buildRelationshipFieldInternal, const RelationshipParms &, parms) void buildRelationshipFieldInternalPartial(const RelationshipParms &parms
 Builds a relationship field after most stuff has been setup. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SIM_Solver
 SIM_Solver (const SIM_DataFactory *factory)
 Basic SIM_Solver constructor. More...
 ~SIM_Solver () override
 Basic SIM_Solver destructor. More...
bool getStartTime (SIM_Time &time)
void clearStartTime ()
void getSolverSubdata (SIM_SolverArray &subsolvers, UT_StringArray *subsolvernames)
void getConstSolverSubdata (SIM_ConstSolverArray &subsolvers, UT_StringArray *subsolvernames) const
virtual bool isStaticSubclass (const SIM_Object *obj) const
 Determines if this solver does nothing on the object. More...
virtual SIM_Result solveRelationshipSubclass (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_Relationship &relationship, const SIM_Time &timestep)
virtual int getRequestedCacheSubclass () const
virtual void getImpulseMassMatrixSubclass (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_Vector3 &impulseworldpos, UT_DMatrix3 &immatrix) const
virtual void getPointImpulseMassMatrixSubclass (const SIM_Object &object, int ptnum, UT_DMatrix3 &immatrix) const
getPointImpulseMassMatrixResolverSubclass (const SIM_Object &object) const
 Builds a resolver for evaluating mass matrices swiftly. More...
virtual void getDefaultColliderLabelSubclass (const SIM_Object &object, UT_String &label) const
 Gets the default collider label for an object using this solver. More...
virtual void getDefaultColliderSubclass (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_String &colliderlabel, UT_String &collidertype, bool &colliderreverseobjectroles) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SIM_Data
 SIM_Data (const SIM_DataFactory *factory)
virtual ~SIM_Data ()
void handleModification (int code=-1)
void setNeedsToRecalculateMemorySize () const
void deleteQueryObjectIfNotBuilding () const
 Deletes the query object for this data, if there is one. More...
void deleteGuideObjectIfNotBuilding () const
 Delete the guide geometry for this data, if it exists. More...
void initAlternateRepresentation () const
void setNeedsInitialization (bool needsinit) const
 Flags an alternate representation subdata as requiring initialization. More...
bool getNeedsInitialization () const
 Tests whether an alternate representation requires initialization. More...
bool saveOptionPacket (std::ostream &os, const char *name, const SIM_Options *opts) const
bool loadOptionPacket (UT_IStream &is, const char *name, SIM_Options *opts) const
bool getIsDoingSimplifiedSaveLoad () const
void initializeFromParmDefaults ()
void setSelectionRepresentsObject (bool representsobject)
virtual void setNeedsInitializationSubclass (bool needsinit) const
virtual void initializeSubclass ()
virtual void makeEqualSubclass (const SIM_Data *source)
virtual void saveSubclass (std::ostream &os) const
virtual void saveIOSubclass (std::ostream &os, SIM_DataThreadedIO *io) const
virtual bool loadSubclass (UT_IStream &is)
virtual bool loadIOSubclass (UT_IStream &is, SIM_DataThreadedIO *io)
virtual SIM_QuerycreateQueryObjectSubclass () const
virtual long getGuideParmVersionSubclass () const
virtual SIM_GuidecreateGuideObjectSubclass () const
virtual void buildGuideGeometrySubclass (const SIM_RootData &root, const SIM_Options &options, const GU_DetailHandle &gdh, UT_DMatrix4 *xform, const SIM_Time &t) const
virtual void setParametersSubclass (const SIM_Options &parms)
virtual void setNamedSubDataSubclass (const char *dataname, const SIM_Data *data)
virtual void removeNamedSubDataSubclass (const char *dataname)
virtual void interpolateSubclass (const SIM_Data *source1, const SIM_Data *source2, fpreal interp)
virtual int64 getMemorySizeSubclass () const
virtual void handleModificationSubclass (int code)
virtual bool getIsAlternateRepresentationSubclass () const
virtual void initAlternateRepresentationSubclass (const SIM_Data &)
virtual voidgetCastToType (const UT_StringRef &datatype) const
virtual const UT_StringHoldergetDataTypeSubclass () const
const SIM_DatagetAlternateRepresentationOf () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SIM_OptionsUser
SIM_OptionsgetOptions ()
virtual void optionChangedSubclass (const char *name)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from GAS_SubSolver
enum  MIX_NAMES {
- Public Types inherited from SIM_Solver
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GAS_SubSolver
static void setGasDescription (SIM_DopDescription &descr)
static float applyTimeScalePow (float value, float t)
static void applyTimeScale (float &add, float &mul, float timestep, int timescale)
static float applyLengthScale (float val, float width, int scaletype)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SIM_Solver
static const char * getPropertyAttribName (const SIM_Property &property)
static fpreal getPropertyAtPositionStatic (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_Vector3 &worldpos, const SIM_Property &property)
static fpreal getPropertyAtPointStatic (const SIM_Object &object, GA_Index ptnum, const SIM_Property &property)
static SIM_PropertyResolvergetPropertyResolverStatic (const SIM_Object &object, const SIM_Property &property)
 Static resolver for getting property values. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SIM_Data
static bool getDataTypeFromFile (const char *filename, UT_String &datatype)
static bool getDataTypeFromStream (UT_IStream &is, UT_String &datatype)
static const voidcastConstPointerToType (const SIM_Data *data, const UT_StringRef &datatype)
static voidcastPointerToType (SIM_Data *data, const UT_StringRef &datatype)
- Public Attributes inherited from GAS_SubSolver
const GA_PointGroupptgrp
const GA_PointGroup SIM_Time timestep
const GA_PointGroup SIM_Time bool densityscale
const GA_PointGroup SIM_Time
bool bool 
const GA_PointGroup SIM_Time
bool bool bool 
const GA_PointGroup SIM_Time
bool bool bool const
UT_JobInfo &info 
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SIM_Data
static const PRM_TemplategetEmptyTemplateList ()
static const SIM_DopDescriptiongetEmptyDopDescription ()
 A DOP description that says not to create an automatic DOP. More...
static void getDataTypeSuperclasses (UT_StringArray &)
- Protected Attributes inherited from GAS_SubSolver
const UT_JobInfoinfo
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from GAS_SubSolver
static PRM_Name ourMixMethods [NUM_MIX+1]
 Holds the parm names for our mix methods. More...
static PRM_ChoiceList ourMixMethodMenu
static PRM_Name ourTimeScaleMethods [NUM_TIMESCALE+1]
static PRM_ChoiceList ourTimeScaleMenu
static PRM_Name ourLengthScaleMethods [NUM_LENGTHSCALE+1]
static PRM_ChoiceList ourLengthScaleMenu

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file GAS_NetFetchData.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GAS_NetFetchData::GAS_NetFetchData ( const SIM_DataFactory factory)
GAS_NetFetchData::~GAS_NetFetchData ( )

Member Function Documentation

void GAS_NetFetchData::attachData ( SIM_Engine engine,
SIM_Object obj,
SIM_Time  time,
const char *  dstdataname,
const char *  data,
int  len 
GAS_NetFetchData::GET_DATA_FUNC_I ( "peer"  ,
GAS_NetFetchData::GET_DATA_FUNC_I ( "npeer"  ,
GAS_NetFetchData::GET_DATA_FUNC_I ( "srcpeer"  ,
GAS_NetFetchData::GET_DATA_FUNC_S ( "srcobject"  ,
GAS_NetFetchData::GET_DATA_FUNC_S ( "srcdataname"  ,
GAS_NetFetchData::GET_DATA_FUNC_S ( "dstdataname"  ,
void GAS_NetFetchData::postDataError ( UT_NetExchange netxchg,
int  dstpeer,
const char *  errmsg 
void GAS_NetFetchData::processRequest ( UT_NetExchange netxchg,
UT_NetMessage msg,
SIM_Engine engine 
bool GAS_NetFetchData::solveGasSubclass ( SIM_Engine engine,
SIM_Object obj,
SIM_Time  time,
SIM_Time  timestep 

Moves the fields given by FieldName by the given velocity field. Moves the points given by GeometryName likewise.

Implements GAS_SubSolver.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: