| GET_DATA_FUNC_I ("blend", Blend) |
SIM_Result | solveObjectsSubclass (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_ObjectArray &objects, SIM_ObjectArray &newobjects, SIM_ObjectArray &feedbacktoobjects, const SIM_Time ×tep) override |
| Merely calls solve on each object. More...
SIM_Result | postSolveObjectsSubclass (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_ObjectArray &objects, SIM_ObjectArray &newobjects, SIM_ObjectArray &feedbacktoobjects, const SIM_Time ×tep) override |
| Merely calls postSolve on each object. More...
virtual bool | solveGas (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_Object *obj, SIM_Time time, SIM_Time timestep) |
const SIM_Geometry * | getGeometry (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
SIM_Geometry * | getGeometryNonConst (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
const GA_PointGroup * | getPointGroup (const GU_Detail *gdp, GOP_Manager &mgr, const char *parmname=GAS_NAME_PTGROUP) |
SIM_GeometryCopy * | getGeometryCopy (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
SIM_GeometryCopy * | getGeometryCopyByDataName (SIM_Object *obj, const char *dataname, bool silent=false) |
SIM_ScalarField * | getScalarField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
SIM_VectorField * | getVectorField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
SIM_MatrixField * | getMatrixField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
SIM_IndexField * | getIndexField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
const SIM_ScalarField * | getConstScalarField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
const SIM_VectorField * | getConstVectorField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
const SIM_MatrixField * | getConstMatrixField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
const SIM_IndexField * | getConstIndexField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
const SIM_Position * | getConstPosFromField (const SIM_Object *obj, const char *name) |
void | getWorldToGeometry (UT_DMatrix4 &xform, SIM_Object *obj, const char *geopath) |
| Builds the transform mapping world -> geo. More...
void | getGeometryToWorld (UT_DMatrix4 &xform, SIM_Object *obj, const char *geopath) |
| Builds the transform mapping geo -> world. More...
SIM_GeometryCopy * | getOrCreateGeometry (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name) |
SIM_ScalarField * | getOrCreateScalarField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name) |
SIM_VectorField * | getOrCreateVectorField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name) |
SIM_MatrixField * | getOrCreateMatrixField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name) |
SIM_IndexField * | getOrCreateIndexField (SIM_Object *obj, const char *name) |
void | getMatchingData (SIM_DataArray &data, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
void | getMatchingData (SIM_DataArray &data, UT_StringArray &datanames, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
void | getMatchingDataByName (SIM_DataArray &data, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
void | getMatchingDataByName (SIM_DataArray &data, UT_StringArray &datanames, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
void | getMatchingConstData (SIM_ConstDataArray &data, UT_StringArray &datanames, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
void | getMatchingGeoCopy (SIM_DataArray &data, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
void | getMatchingGeoCopyByName (SIM_DataArray &data, SIM_Object *obj, const char *name, bool silent=false) |
void | matchField (SIM_ScalarField *field, const SIM_ScalarField *reffield) |
void | matchField (SIM_VectorField *field, const SIM_ScalarField *reffield) |
void | matchField (SIM_MatrixField *field, const SIM_ScalarField *reffield) |
void | matchField (SIM_IndexField *field, const SIM_ScalarField *reffield) |
void | buildRelationshipField (SIM_ScalarField *mask, SIM_VectorField *vel, SIM_IndexField *index, const SIM_ScalarField *stencil, UT_DMatrix4 masktoworld, const SIM_Object *srcobj, bool usepoint, bool usesdf, bool allownonsdf, bool negate, fpreal particlebandwidth, fpreal bandwidth, fpreal velscale=1, const UT_Vector3 &wind=UT_Vector3(0.0f)) |
bool | findReferenceBBox (const SIM_Object *, const char *parmname, const char *groupparmname, UT_Vector3 ¢er, UT_Vector3 &size, UT_DMatrix4 &xform) |
void | reportCLError (SIM_Object *obj, int err, const char *msg) const |
SYS_STATIC_FORCE_INLINE float | mixValues (MIX_NAMES mixtype, float d, float s) |
| Performs the requires mixing. More...
void | clearForces (GU_Detail *gdp, bool cleartorque=false) const |
| Zeros out the force and optionaly torque attributes. More...
void | clearForces (GU_Detail *gdp, const GA_PointGroup *grp, bool cleartorque) const |
| THREADED_METHOD6_CONST (GAS_SubSolver, gdp->getNumPoints() > 2048, applyForces, GU_Detail *, gdp, const GA_PointGroup *, ptgrp, SIM_Time, timestep, bool, densityscale, bool, doorient, bool, updatepos) void applyForcesPartial(GU_Detail *gdp |
bool | buildSPH (GAS_SPH &sph, const SIM_Geometry *geo) const |
bool | buildSPH (GAS_SPH &sph, const SIM_Object *obj) const |
SIM_Result | solveObjects (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_ObjectArray &objects, SIM_ObjectArray &newobjects, SIM_ObjectArray &feedbacktoobjects, const SIM_Time ×tep) |
SIM_Result | postSolveObjects (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_ObjectArray &objects, SIM_ObjectArray &newobjects, SIM_ObjectArray &feedbacktoobjects, const SIM_Time ×tep) |
SIM_Result | solveRelationship (SIM_Engine &engine, SIM_Relationship &relationship, const SIM_Time ×tep) |
int | getRequestedCache () const |
void | getImpulseMassMatrix (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_Vector3 &impulseworldpos, UT_DMatrix3 &immatrix) const |
void | getPointImpulseMassMatrix (const SIM_Object &object, GA_Index ptnum, UT_DMatrix3 &immatrix) const |
SIM_PointImpulseMassMatrixResolver * | getPointImpulseMassMatrixResolver (const SIM_Object &object) const |
| Builds a resolver to efficiently compute mass matrices. More...
fpreal | getPropertyAtPosition (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_Vector3 &worldpos, const SIM_Property &property) const |
fpreal | getPropertyAtPoint (const SIM_Object &object, GA_Index ptnum, const SIM_Property &property) const |
SIM_PropertyResolver * | getPropertyResolver (const SIM_Object &object, const SIM_Property &property) const |
| Builds a resolver to efficiently compute property values. More...
void | getDefaultColliderLabel (const SIM_Object &object, UT_String &label) const |
| Gets the default collider label for an object using this solver. More...
void | getDefaultCollider (const SIM_Object &object, const UT_String &colliderlabel, UT_String &collidertype, bool &colliderreverseobjectroles) const |
void | setStartTime (const SIM_Time &starttime) |
bool | isStatic (const SIM_Object *obj) const |
const UT_StringHolder & | getDataType () const |
void | initialize (const SIM_SubdataBehavior &subdatabehavior) |
void | makeEqual (const SIM_Data *source, const SIM_SubdataBehavior &subdatabehavior) |
void | setParameters (const SIM_Options &parms) |
void | interpolate (const SIM_Data *source1, const SIM_Data *source2, fpreal interp) |
int64 | getMemorySize () const |
bool | getIsAlternateRepresentation () const |
bool | saveToFile (const char *filename, UT_CompressionType compressionType) const |
bool | saveToStream (std::ostream &os, UT_CompressionType compressionType) const |
void | appendFullDataPath (const SIM_Data *subdata, bool useobjectid, UT_String &datapath) const |
bool | loadFromFile (const char *filename) |
bool | loadFromStream (UT_IStream &is, bool skiptype=false) |
bool | getIsOfType (const UT_StringRef &datatype) const |
const void * | getConstPointerToType (const UT_StringRef &datatype) const |
void * | getPointerToType (const UT_StringRef &datatype) |
int | getNumSubData () const |
| Get the number of sub-data items attached to this data. More...
const UT_StringHolder & | getSubDataName (int index) const |
| Get the name of the sub-data at a particular index location. More...
int | getSubDataIndex (const SIM_Data *subdata) const |
bool | buildSubDataPath (const SIM_Data *subdata, UT_String &pathto) const |
const SIM_Query & | getQueryObject () const |
SIM_Options * | getUserOptions () |
const SIM_Options * | getConstUserOptions () const |
long | getGuideParmVersion () const |
void | addGuideDep (DEP_MicroNode &src) const |
virtual bool | getGuideGeometryList (const SIM_RootData &root, const char *datapath, const SIM_Time &t, UT_Array< GU_ConstDetailHandle > &detailArray, UT_Array< UT_DMatrix4 > &xformArray) const |
GU_ConstDetailHandle | getGuideGeometry (const SIM_RootData &root, const char *datapath, UT_DMatrix4 &xform, const SIM_Time &t) const |
void | buildGuideOptions (SIM_Options &options, const SIM_Time &time) const |
SIM_Data * | getSubData (int index) |
const SIM_Data * | getConstSubData (int index) const |
SIM_Data * | getNamedSubData (const char *dataname) |
const SIM_Data * | getConstNamedSubData (const char *dataname) const |
void | filterSubData (SIM_DataArray &ncdp, UT_StringArray *names, const SIM_DataFilter &ncfilter, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recursefilter) |
void | filterConstSubData (SIM_ConstDataArray &dp, UT_StringArray *names, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter) const |
SIM_Data * | getNthSubData (UT_String *name, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, int n, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter) |
const SIM_Data * | getNthConstSubData (UT_String *name, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, int n, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter) const |
void | forEachSubData (SIM_EachDataCallback &cb, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter) |
void | forEachConstSubData (SIM_EachDataCallback &cb, const SIM_DataFilter &filter, const char *startfrom, const SIM_DataFilter &recurseFilter) const |
SIM_Data * | createNamedSubData (const char *dataname, const char *datatype, int creationflags, UT_String *newdatanameptr=NULL) |
SIM_Data * | getOrCreateAlternateRepresentation (const char *dataname, const char *datatype) const |
void | interpolateSubData (const SIM_Data &source1, const SIM_Data &source2, fpreal interp, const SIM_DataFilter &interpdata, const SIM_DataFilter &recurse) |
void | setNamedSubData (const char *dataname, const SIM_Data *data, int setflags) |
void | createUniqueSubDataName (const SIM_Data *subdata, UT_String &dataname) const |
void | removeNamedSubData (const char *dataname) |
| Remove some existing sub-data by name. More...
void | removeSubData (int index) |
| Remove some existing sub-data by index. More...
void | moveNamedSubData (const char *oldname, const char *newname) |
const UT_Guid & | getUniqueId () const |
long | getReferenceCount () const |
int | getCreatorId () const |
| Get the ID of the node that created this data. More...
OP_Node * | getCreatorNode () const |
| Use the creator ID to look up the OP_Node that created this data. More...
OP_Node * | getOwnerNetwork () const |
| Look up the owner node of our engine to get the DOP Network pointer. More...
const SIM_Engine & | getEngine () const |
| Get the engine that created us (from our data factory). More...
int | getCreatorIndex () const |
| Get the output index of the creator node that generated this data. More...
const SIM_Time & | getCreationTime () const |
| Get the creation time for this data. More...
bool | getIsSelected () const |
| Get the selected flag for this data. More...
void | setIsSelected (bool selected) const |
bool | getSelectionRepresentsObject () const |
void | copyCreationInfoFrom (const SIM_Data *source) |
OP_Node & | getNodePathsRelativeTo () const |
OP_Node * | getOPNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const |
| Given a path relative to our creator node, return an OBJ_Node. More...
OBJ_Node * | getOBJNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const |
| Given a path relative to our creator node, return an OBJ_Node. More...
SOP_Node * | getSOPNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const |
| Given a path relative to our creator node, return a SOP_Node. More...
DOP_Node * | getDOPNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const |
| Given a path relative to our creator node, return a DOP_Node. More...
COP2_Node * | getCOP2Node (const char *path, bool addinterest) const |
| Given a path relative to our creator node, return a COP2_Node. More...
CHOP_Node * | getCHOPNode (const char *path, bool addinterest) const |
| Given a path relative to our creator node, return a CHOP_Node. More...
void | addOPInterest (OP_Node *node) const |
| Adds an interest in the specified node to our engine's owner node. More...
void | addError (const SIM_RootData *root, int errorcode, const char *errorparm, UT_ErrorSeverity severity) const |
| Adds an error to our SIM_Engine. More...
void | makeMemberDataUnique () |
virtual void | makeMemberDataUniqueSubclass () |
| SIM_OptionsUser (SIM_Data *owner) |
virtual | ~SIM_OptionsUser () |
void | optionChanged (const char *name) |
const SIM_Options & | getOptions () const |