161 typedef void* (*exr_memory_allocation_func_t) (
size_t bytes);
EXR_EXPORT void exr_set_default_zip_compression_level(int l)
Assigns a default zip compression level.
void(* exr_memory_free_func_t)(void *ptr)
Function pointer used to hold a free-like routine.
EXR_EXPORT void exr_set_default_maximum_image_size(int w, int h)
Limit the size of image allowed to be parsed or created by the library.
EXR_EXPORT void exr_get_library_version(int *maj, int *min, int *patch, const char **extra)
Retrieve the current library version. The extra string is for custom installs, and is a static string...
EXR_EXPORT void exr_set_default_memory_routines(exr_memory_allocation_func_t alloc_func, exr_memory_free_func_t free_func)
Allow the user to override default allocator used internal allocations necessary for files...
EXR_EXPORT void exr_get_default_dwa_compression_quality(float *q)
Retrieve the global default dwa compression quality.
ImageBuf OIIO_API min(Image_or_Const A, Image_or_Const B, ROI roi={}, int nthreads=0)
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble q
EXR_EXPORT void exr_set_default_dwa_compression_quality(float q)
Assigns a default DWA compression quality level.
EXR_EXPORT void exr_get_default_maximum_tile_size(int *w, int *h)
Retrieve the global maximum tile size.
EXR_EXPORT void exr_set_default_maximum_tile_size(int w, int h)
Limit the size of an image tile allowed to be parsed or created by the library.
EXR_EXPORT void exr_get_default_maximum_image_size(int *w, int *h)
Retrieve the global default maximum image size.
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat h
void *(* exr_memory_allocation_func_t)(size_t bytes)
Function pointer used to hold a malloc-like routine.
EXR_EXPORT void exr_get_default_zip_compression_level(int *l)
Retrieve the global default zip compression value.
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w