Houdini 20.5 Particles

Writing particle VEX expressions

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A powerful and much used feature of the pre-Houdini 13 particle workflow was local variables. Local variables allowed almost any parameter on a particle node to vary per-particle.

In the new dynamics particle workflow, these kinds of expressions are replaced with VEX expressions. VEX expressions attempt to address the following problems with the old local variables:

  • Local variables were slow (compared to VEX).

  • Local variables were single-threaded. It was possible to write threadable expressions, but many of the common expression functions were not threadsafe, causing the whole system to fall back to single-threaded behavior.

  • The mapping of attributes to local variables was idiosyncratic and obscure (for example, using local variable $CR to access the attribute value Cd.x).

  • Local variables were difficult. Some things were simple, For example, rand($ID). However, for more complicated expression things started to break down quickly. Also, if you wanted to set a number of parameters based on a common evaluation, you had to use spare parameters as helpers.

Using VEX in particle nodes

In the parameter interface of nodes that support VEX expressions, each block of parameters has a Use VEXpressions checkbox.

  • If the checkbox is off, the parameters use the normal Houdini expression language, but those values cannot vary per-particle.

  • When this checkbox is on, a multi-line editor appears where you can write a snippet of VEX code to evaluate on each particle at each time step.

VEXpressions were not meant to replace VOPs, they were meant to augment it.

The @ in the VEX syntax is meant to stand for attribute. Houdini uses the @ syntax in groups already. This was modified for VEX, because there was no way of determining the attribute was a vector, float, integer, or string. Prefixing with v@ will define the type as a vector, i@ will define the type as an integer, and s@ will define the type as a string.


  • When you're editing in the multi-line editor you can press ⌃ Ctrl + Enter to “commit” the changes and update Houdini.

  • Each multi-line editor has a drop-down menu containing useful pre-made VEX snippets. The menu has a Pass through item which simply fills in the names of the parameters in the block assigned to themselves (for example wind = wind;). This may be useful as a starting point from writing your own code to override the parameter values. It is not necessary to assign the parameter values to themselves like this, it is simply meant to give you a list of values you might want to change in the snippet.

Writing VEX

VEX expressions use a variation of the VEX language instead of the Houdini expression language.

  • Many of the commonly used expression functions have equivalent VEX functions with the same name (for example, ch, chs, chramp, point, relbbox, rand, and so on).

  • You can access parameter values using the parameter’s internal name (for example windspeed), and attributes using @‹attribute_name.

  • This is the same VEX expression syntax used in “wrangler” nodes such as the Point Wrangle SOP. However, whereas wranglers affect geometry by directly setting attribute values, particle nodes cannot change attribute values (usually below). Instead, they work by reading parameter and attribute values and then modifying the parameters values accordingly. This lets you change the values of the node’s parameters for each particle.

    // Randomize windresistance for each particle.
    windresist *= rand(@id);
    // Ramp up the wind speed as the particle ages.
    windspeed *= @nage;
  • Instead of overwriting the parameter value (for example, force = {0, 1, 0} * rand(@id);), you should modify the existing parameter value (for example, force *= float(rand(@id));). This lets you use the parameter interface to vary the effect, which is easier than editing the VEX code.

See VEX snippets for information about the special syntax, how VEX expressions differ from HScript expressions, how to test group membership, access global variables such as the current time, troubleshooting, and more.


By default, particle nodes only export attributes they expect to change. This prevents you from accidentally creating attributes like @mass by trying to read them.

However, when you're debugging it’s sometimes useful to write arbitrary attributes onto particles so you can see the values in the geometry spreadsheet.

To force an attribute to be writable, declare the attribute with the export keyword:

export float @mytest = 0;
See also


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