Houdini 20.5 Networks and parameters

Network editor menus

Explains all the menu items in the network editor menus.

On this page



Opens the node type menu to let you add a new node to the current network.

File Node

Opens a file browser to let you choose a file, then creates a File node to import that file.

Network Box

Adds a box to the current network. Any selected nodes are automatically added to the box. You can use boxes to visually group nodes and move them together.

Sticky Note

Adds a sticky note to the current network. You can use notes to annotate nodes or parts of the network.

Background Image

Adds a background image to the current network. You can use images to annotate nodes or parts of the network.

Node Bundle

Creates a new node bundle from the selected nodes.

Node Group

Creates a new node group from the selected nodes.


Select All

Selects all items in the current network.


Copies the selected item(s) to the clipboard and removes them from the network.


Copies the selected item(s) to the clipboard.


Pastes any items on the clipboard into the current network.


Removes any selected items, but does not delete network boxes that are not empty.

Delete with Network Box Contexts

Removes any selected items, including network boxes that are not empty.

Find Node

Opens a window that lets you find nodes matching various criteria.

Next Matching Node

Selects the next node from the list that matched in the Find dialog.

Previous Matching Node

Selects the previous node from the list that matched in the Find dialog.

Rename Selected Nodes

Opens a window that lets you perform prefix and suffix changes on the names of the selected nodes.

Disconnect Inputs

Disconnects any inputs to the selected node(s).

Disconnect Outputs

Disconnects any outputs from the selected node(s).

Disconnect Inputs and Outputs

Disconnect any inputs and/or outputs from the selected node(s).

Reconnect Around Selected

Rewires any inputs and outputs of the selected node(s) into each other, causing them to bypass the node(s).

Rotate Input Connections

Rotates the order of the inputs into the selected node. This may be useful with a multi-input where the wires are crossing.

Add All Channels to Channel List

Add any animated parameters on the selected node(s) to the channel list.

Delete Channels

Delete any keyframe animation on the selected node(s).

Create Nested Channel Groups

Creates nested channel groups on the node parameters that are keyed or are automatically added to the channel list. If you have organized the parameters of the object into tabs, Houdini will create nested channel groups corresponding to the organization of the parameters.

Collapse Selected into Sub-Network

Moves the selected nodes inside a newly created subnet node.

Collapse Selected into Material

In a material network, takes the selected “loose” VOPs and creates a new Material VOP node with them inside.

Unhide All

Shows any nodes that have been hidden. Nodes can become hidden from collapsing network branches or by turning on their “hide” flag.



Goes to the scene level (/obj).


Goes to the default materials network (/mat).


Goes to the default CHOPs network (/ch)


Goes to the default compositing network (/img).

Render nodes

Goes to the default render node network (/out).

Up to Parent Network

Goes the parent of the current network.

Go Into Selected Network

Goes to the network inside the selected node (for example, the geometry network inside a Geometry node).

Move Current Node Up

Move the selection upstream.

Move Current Node Down

Move the selection downstream.

Move Current Node Left

Move the selection to the previous node connected to the same upstream node.

Move Current Node Right

Move the selection to the next node connected to the same upstream node.

Set Quickmark

The items in this menu allow you to assign the current network to a number key. Then pressing that key will jump the network back to that location.

This is very useful when you're bouncing between a few different networks constantly, for example a source geometry network, dynamics network, and render network.

Jump to Quickmark

The items in this menu allow you to recall a network location assigned to a quickmark.

Last View

Jumps to the previously viewed network location. Pressing this key repeatedly bounces you back and forth between the last two locations.


Zoom In

Increases the magnification of the network editor, making nodes appear bigger.

Zoom Out

Decrease the magnification of the network editor, making nodes appear smaller.

Zoom to Show Selected

Tracks and zooms the network view to show the selected node(s).

Show Node Type

Toggles showing the node type above the name (for nodes where the type is not obvious from the name).

Show Custom Node Shapes

Toggles showing custom node shapes. If this is off, all nodes use the default rectangle shape.

Show Node Previews

Toggles global show/hide of node previews in networks that support them (for example, compositing networks). This overrides show/hide preview on individual nodes.

Show Task Graph

Toggles showing the task graph view of TOP nodes.

Task Graph Display Options

Opens the Task Graph Display Options window for customizing the appearance of the task graph network editor view.

Change Network Wiring Style

Cycles the network through the available wire drawing methods.

Show Performance Data

Toggles visualizing data from the performance monitor in the network.

Performance Data to Show

This submenu lets you choose which data from the performance monitor to visualize when Show Performance Data is on.

Show Help Messages

Toggles the display of messages at the bottom of the network view explaining the current mode and what you can do.

Display Options

Opens a display options window allowing you to customize the network editor view.


List Mode

Toggles between showing nodes in the network editor as a graph or a list.

Show Parameter Dialog

Shows or hides an embedded parameter editor in the corner of the network view.

Show Parameter Dialog When Maximized

Shows or hides an embedded parameter editor in the corner of the network view only when the network editor pane is maximized.

Show Node Tree

Shows or hides an embedded network tree view beside the network view.

Show Groups

Shows or hides an embedded node group list above the network view.

Show Tool Palette

Shows or hides a list of available node types you can drag into the network.

Show Overview

The network overview shows a schematic view of the entire network. You can click and drag around the overview to move the view window.

Overview: When Needed

Show the overview in the network editor whenever the entire network doesn’t fit into view.

Overview: Always

Always show the overview in the network editor.

Overview: Never

Don’t show the overview in the network editor.

Show Grid

You can change the grid spacing in the display options.

Grid: No Grid

Don’t show the grid in the network editor.

Grid: Grid Points

Only draw the intersection points of the grid in the network editor.

Grid: Grid Lines

Draw the grid lines in the network editor.

Snap to Grid

Toggles grid snapping on or off in the network editor.

Show Palette

The color and shape palettes let you assign custom colors and shapes to nodes to make them easier to distinguish in the network.

Palette: None

Don’t show either palette in the network editor.

Palette: Colors

Show the color palette in the network editor.

Palette: Shapes

Show the shape palette in the network editor.

Edit Background Images

Enters a mode where you can move, resize, link, and delete background images in the network editor.

Snap to Visible Nodes

Toggles automatic alignment of new nodes with existing nodes.

Allow Dropping Nodes on Wires

Toggles the ability to drop a node onto an existing wire. You can temporarily switch this setting by holding the 8 key.

Make Room for New Nodes

Toggles whether to move existing nodes out of the way when you add a new node.


Lay Out All

Automatically repositions all nodes in the network.

This will completely replace any organization you might have set up in the network. You might want to make smaller-scale local changes using the alignment tools below instead.

Lay Out Selected

Automatically repositions the selected nodes.

Layout Nodes Up

Reposition the selected nodes upstream (for vertical networks) or sibling nodes above (for horizontal networks).

Layout Nodes Down

Reposition the selected nodes downstream (for vertical networks) or sibling nodes below (for horizontal networks).

Layout Nodes Left

Reposition the selected sibling nodes to the left (for vertical networks) or upstream nodes (for horizontal networks).

Layout Nodes Right

Reposition the selected sibling nodes to the right (for vertical networks) or downstream nodes (for vertical networks).

Align Nodes Horizontally

Align the selected nodes horizontally

Align Nodes Vertically

Align the selected nodes vertically

Distribute Nodes Horizontally

Distribute the selected nodes horizontally

Distribute Nodes Vertically

Distribute the selected nodes vertically

Minimize Selected

Minimizes the selected sticky notes and network boxes

Minimize and Adjust Network

Minimizes sticky notes and network boxes, moving connected outputs

Maximize Selected

Maximizes the selected sticky notes and network boxes

Maximize and Adjust Network

Maximizes sticky notes and network boxes, moving connected outputs

Resize Network Boxes to Fit

Snaps a network box’s borders to its minimum bounding box

Space Nodes Vertically

Space out the selected nodes vertically

Space Nodes Horizontally

Space out the selected nodes horizontally

Correct VOP Positions

Correct VOP Node positions for use in the new network editor

Node context menu

Dive Into Network

Go inside the selected node (if it is a network container).


For compositing nodes, this generates a flipbook animation of the node’s output.

Preview Window

For object and geometry nodes, shows the node’s output geometry in a floating window.


For geometry nodes, opens a window showing the geometry and attribute data. This is very useful for understanding what a node is doing. For dynamics nodes, shows geometry, attributes, and relationships.

Show Node Information

Opens the info window for the selected node. This is the same as clicking the info button in the node ring or holding on the node.

View Dependencies

Opens a window showing all external references to and from the selected node’s parameters.

Edit Comment

Opens a window with a editor for the node’s comment string. This is the same as editing the comment in the info window.


This submenu contains items for exporting the node’s data somewhere else.

Save: Geometry

Saves this geometry node’s output to a file, such as a .bgeo.

Save VEX Code to File

Saves this VOP node’s compiled VEX to a file.

Save: Texture UV to Image

Saves this geometry node’s UV layout to an image file to allow artists to paint over it.

Save: Image

Saves this compositing node’s output to a file, such as a .png.

Save: LUT

Saves this compositing node’s lookup table to a file.

Save: Data Channels

Saves this CHOP node’s output to a file.

Exporter - Set Scope

For CHOP nodes, sets the exporter scope for the selected node.

Exporter - Add to Scope

For CHOP nodes, adds to the exporter scope for the selected node.


The items in this submenu relate to node inputs.

Hide Inputs

Hides all node branches connected into the selected node.

Unhide Inputs

Expands any hidden inputs to the selected node.

Select Inputs

Selects the nodes connected into the selected node.

Select Input Parameters

Selects any Parameter VOPs connected to the selected node’s inputs.


The items in this submenu relate to node outputs.

Hide Outputs

Hides the node branch out of the selected node.

Unhide Outputs

Expands any hidden outputs from the selected node.

Select Outputs

Selects the nodes connected into the selected node.

Collapse Outputs

Takes all nodes connected to the selected node’s outputs and puts them in a new subnet.

Character Tools

The items in this submenu let you load this object node into character tool panes.

Character Picker

Opens the character represented by the selected node in the character picker.

Pose Library

Opens the character represented by the selected node in the pose library.


Opens the help page for the selected node.

Create Digital Asset

Creates a new asset type from the selected node.

Allow Editing of Contents

Unlocks the selected asset node and allows editing the network inside.

Match Current Definition

Saves any changes and re-locks the selected unlocked asset node.

Save Node Type

Saves any changes but leaves the selected asset node unlocked.

Show Changes

Opens a window showing any unsaved differences between the saved asset definition and the selected unlocked node.

The textual “diff” can be hard to read but should give a rough idea of what’s changed.

Show in Asset Manager

Opens the asset manager window and jumps to the asset type of to the selected node.

Change Type

Opens a window that lets you (attempt to) change the selected node to a different node type. This creates a new node of the new type and copies over any parameters with the same name.

This might be useful for updating nodes to new versions.

Type Properties

Opens the selected asset node’s type in the type properties editor.

Networks and parameters


  • Network editor

    How to create, move, copy, and edit nodes.

  • Network navigation

    How to move around the networks and move between networks.

  • Connecting (wiring) nodes

    How to connect nodes to each other to make them work together.

  • Network types and node flags

    Flags represent some state information on the node, such as which node represents the output of the network. Different network types have different flags.

  • Badges

    Badges indicate some status information about a node. They usually appear as a row of icons below the name of the node.

  • Node Info

    The node info window shows a quick overview of statistics and information about a particular node.

  • Find nodes in a network

    How to use the Find dialog to find nodes based on various criteria.

Editing parameters

Next steps


Guru level
