Houdini 20.5 Nodes TOP nodes

Attribute Promote TOP node

Copies attributes and fields between work items, global attributes, and output files

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Since 19.5

This node lets you copy attributes from work items onto the graph, or convert internal fields like Frame, Index, or Priority into attributes. You can also use this node to create attributes from output files, change the tag of output files, or create outputs from file attributes.


Generate When

Determines when this node will generate work items. You should generally leave this set to “Automatic” unless you know the node requires a specific generation mode, or that the work items need to be generated dynamically.

All Upstream Items are Generated

This node will generate work items once all of the input nodes have generated their work items.

All Upstream Items are Cooked

This node will generate work items once all of the input nodes have cooked their work items.

Each Upstream Item is Cooked

This node will generate work items each time a work item in an input node is cooked.


The generation mode is selected based on the generation mode of the input nodes. If any of the input nodes are generating work items when their inputs cook, this node will be set to Each Upstream Item is Cooked. Otherwise, it will be set to All Upstream Items are Generated.


Multiparm that allows you to create or remove attribute promote operations to perform.


Determines the source of the attribute(s) that should be promoted.

Work Item Attribute

Promote existing work item attributes.

Upstream Output File(s)

Promote output files from upstream work items.

Intrinsic Field

Promote intrinsic fields, like Index, Frame, or Priority.

Global Attribute

Promote existing attributes from the graph that contains the node.

Attribute Names(s)

Specifies the names of the attributes to promote. You can set this value to an attribute pattern to match multiple attribute names. This parameter is only available when From is set to Work Item Attribute or Global Attribute.

Delete Original

Determines whether or not the original attribute should be deleted after it is promoted. This parameter is only available when From is set to Work Item Attribute or Global Attribute.

File Tag

Determines the file tag used to filter input files. This parameter is only available when From is set to Upstream Output File(s).

Intrinsic Field

Determines the work item field that should be promoted. This parameter is only available when From is set to Intrinsic Field.


Specifies the destination for the promoted attribute(s).

Work Item Attribute

Promoted attributes are added to work items produced by this node.

Output File(s)

Promoted attributes are added as output files to work items produced by this node.

Global Attribute

Promoted attributes are added as global attributes on the graph.

Existing Name

Determines how to handle a name conflict with an existing attribute. This parameter is only available when To is set to Work Item Attribute or Global Attribute.

Replace Existing Attribute

The node deletes the old attribute and then promotes the new attribute.

Keep Existing Attribute

The old attribute is kept and no values are promoted.

Append to Existing Attributee

The old attribute is kept, and promoted values are appended onto the end of the existing attribute. This option is only valid for attributes types that support arrays, like Integers, Floats, Strings, and Files.

Generate Warning on Type Mis-match

The node issues a warning if the attribute type doesn’t match. If the type matches the existing attribute is overwritten, otherwise the attribute is left unmodified.

Generate Error on Type Mis-match

The node issues an error if the attribute type doesn’t match. If the type matches the existing attribute is overwritten, otherwise the node fails to generate work items.

Rename Attribute

Renames the promoted attribute. This parameter is only available when To is set to Work Item Attribute or Global Attribute.


It is not possible to specify a pattern for this parameter. This means that this parameter is mostly useful when promoting a single attribute.

New File Tag

When on, specifies the file tag to assign to the output files. When off, the existing tag from the source files will be used. If the promoted attribute is not already a file-type attribute, or doesn’t have a tag, PDG will compute a tag based on the file extension. This parameter is only available when To is set to Output File(s).

Take Ownership

When on, marks the output file as owned by the work item. When the output files for the work item are deleted, the output file paths promoted by this node will then also be deleted. This parameter is only available when To is set to Output File (s).

Bind to Work Item

When on, binds the global attributes to their corresponding work items on this node. When the work items are deleted, the global attributes are also removed. This parameter is only available when To is set to Global Attribute.


AttributePromote Example for Attribute Promote TOP node

This example demonstrates some of the basic functionality of the Attribute Promote TOP node, such as converting intrinsic fields from input work items into attributes

See also

TOP nodes