Houdini 20.5 Nodes TOP nodes

OP Notify TOP node

Notify an OP node that some TOP work has completed

On this page
Since 17.5

Typically used to trigger a refresh of a File node at the end of a TOP graph, in order to reload the output files produced by TOPs.

TOP Attributes



The operator path associated with the work item.



When Reload Type is set to Press Button, this attribute is set to the name of the reload button the target node.



An integer representation of the Reload Type parameter evaluation for the work item


OP Path

The path to the operator that should be reloaded by workitems in this node.

Reload Type

Determines what operation should be performed on the node specified in OP Path.

Recook Node

The specified node will be recooked when the work item in this node recooks.

Press Button

A button on the node will be pressed, as defined by Button Name.

Button Name

When Reload Type is Press Button, this parameter determines the name of the button parm on the node that should be pressed.

TOP nodes