Houdini 20.5 Nodes TOP nodes

Service Block End TOP node

Ends a service block.

On this page
Since 17.5


This node encloses previous nodes up to a upstream service block begin node (for example, Houdini Block Begin) to form a service block.

This node is a partitioner, and will always create one partition for each corresponding begin block work item.


In the network editor tab menu, choose the “service block” tool for a particular service type (for example, “Houdini Service Block”) to automatically put down a block begin/end block pair instead of individual nodes.

See service blocks for more information.


Block Begin Path

The begin node that this end node forms a block with.

Merge Operations

Defines the number of attribute merge operations to perform on the partitioner node. The operations are used to merge attributes from work items in the partition onto the partition itself. Operations are performed in descending order. Attributes are merged using the first operation with a pattern that matches the attribute.

Apply Operation

Specifies the operation to perform to merge incoming attributes onto the partition. Each operation only applies only to the subset of attributes matched using the corresponding To Attributes parameter.

The following operations are available:


Matching attributes are ignored and will not appear on the partition.

First Value

The value of each matching attribute on the first work item in the partition is kept, and values on subsequent work items are ignored

Last Value

The value of each matching attribute on the last work item in the partition is kept.

Unique Values

The unique values for each matching attribute are merged into an array. Duplicate values are discarded.

Append to Array

The values for each matching attribute are appended to an array for that attribute. All attribute values from all work items are kept.


The minimum value for each matching attribute is kept.


The maximum value for each matching attribute is kept.


The sum of the values in each matching attribute is stored on the partition.


The average value of each matching attribute is stored on the partition.


The most common value in each matching attribute is kept.


The middle value in each matching attribute is kept.


The values for each matching attribute are merged into a sorted array.


Attribute values across all work items are merged into a sorted array, and unique values are kept.

To Attributes

Specifies which attributes the corresponding Apply Operation parameter should apply to. This field can use the Attribute Pattern Syntax to specify multiple attributes.

Preserve Arrays

When on, the merge operation preserves the original array size of the incoming attributes. The merged array size is determined by the first value found across the input work items. When off, the partitioner flattens the incoming array attributes into a single sequence of values (a single scalar value) and performs the merge operation across all values.

See also

TOP nodes