Houdini 20.5 Nodes TOP nodes

Map by Expression TOP node

Maps upstream work items to downstream work items using an expression

This node type is deprecated. It is scheduled to be deleted in an upcoming revision of Houdini.

Use partitioner nodes instead of mappers

(Since version 18.6.)

On this page
Since 17.5

This node maps upstream static or dynamic work items to downstream static items using an expression. For more complicated mapping logic, it may be easier to use a Python Mapper



Map Static Expression

The expression used to determine which upstream static items should be mapped to which downstream static items.

Map Dynamic Expression

When Use Dynamic Mapping is enabled, this parameter can be set to defined the expression used to map upstream dynamic items to downstream static items.



This example demonstrates how to use the Map by Expression node to establish dependencies from downstream to upstream work items.

See also

TOP nodes