See how to use takes .


Press on a take to see information about the take.


Press on a take to bring up a menu.

Add take button

Create a new take as the child of the current take.

Show contents checkbox

Shows or hides the right pane showing which parameters are included in the selected take.

Default name field

Specify the default base name to use when creating new takes.

Take menu

Select take

Switches to the current take. See also the takeset command.

Append take

Adds a new take as a child. See also the takeadd command.

Insert take

Adds a new take between the current take and its children. See also the takeadd command.

Copy take

Copies the current take in order to be able to paste it.

Paste take

Pastes the previously copied take.

Load take

Load an externally saved take hierarchy as a child of the current take. See also the takeload command.

Save take

Save the current take to an external file. See also the takesave command.

Save take (and children)

Save the current take and all its children to an external file. See also the takesave command.

Delete take

Deletes the current take while moving its children to its parent take. See also the takerm command.

Delete take (and children)

Deletes the current take along with all its children. See also the takerm command.


If data is active in the current take, and you merge in a second take that also has the data active, Merge Take will use the current take’s data. Merge Take (with override) will override the current take’s data with the data from the second take.





