On this page |
Simulation ¶
Distributed FLIP example ¶
Creates an animated cube dropping into a FLIP simulation.
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Distributed pyro example ¶
Creates a pyro simulation.
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Ocean example ¶
Creates a torus object floating on an ocean simulation.
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Feedback ¶
Feedback HDA example ¶
From a series of input HDAs, creates shape variations for 3 different 3D objects using the output from each iteration of a feedback loop.
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Feedback sim example ¶
Creates an RBD sim that uses the output from each iteration of a feedback loop.
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HQueue ¶
Tests your HQueue set-up.
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Image manipulation ¶
From a series of input images, creates a video slide show, an image montage, and versions of the images with different file formats.
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Invoke ¶
Invoke example ¶
Runs a SOP compiled block on input geometry.
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Invoke chain example ¶
Chains together two Invoke SOPs to run a SOP compile block on geometry inputs.
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Invoke lite example ¶
Runs a SOP compiled block on light input geometry. Contains the same TOP network as the Invoke example.
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Invoke TOP SOP example ¶
Runs a SOP compiled block on input geometry, where the /topnet
and input geometry are inside a
Geometry object node and the SOP compile block is inside /topnet > /sopnet.
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Partitioners ¶
Generates work items (both dynamic and static) and sorts or collects their results in the following ways:
By index with no customization, by index with targeted partitioning, and by index from a target node instead of a direct input.
By attribute using pattern matching and custom merge rules.
By attribute value and split attribute.
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Pipelines ¶
Houdini pipeline example ¶
Initializes and processes Houdini scenes using multiple Houdini servers or a single Houdini server running multiple sessions in serial.
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JSON pipeline example ¶
Reads a JSON file that contains information, extracts the information, filters the associated work items, and then sorts the assocaited work item.
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Maya pipeline example ¶
Demonstrates mayapy
server usage: single server with multiple sessions and single server per .ma
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Nuke pipeline example ¶
Demonstrates nukepy
server usage: single server with multiple sessions and single server per Nuke script.
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Python ¶
Runs several Python scripts to perform various in-process and out-of-process tasks.
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Rendering ¶
ROP examples ¶
Demonstrates various ROP TOP techniques like fetching external ROPs, wedging, and then rendering a simulation Mantra.
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Multishot example ¶
Loads a simulation file, writes out its geometry, manipulates its frames, partitions the frames, uses an attribute to determine the camera used per frame, renders out the frames, and then combines the frames into an FFMPEG movie.
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Roadbuilder ¶
Builds tiled terrain.
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Shotgun ¶
Runs various tasks using Shotgun (now Shotgrid) TOP nodes.
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SOPs ¶
Generates geometry with HDA Processor, imports the geometry, and then filters the geometry.
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TOP Fetch ¶
Gathers work and then gives work to a processor.
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TOP cooking ¶
Cooks dynamic and static nodes either in-process or out-of-process.
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See also |