What is Houdini Indie?
A limited commercial license for small studios to generate professional-quality work on a tight budget.
- Registered to one machine.
- Cannot be floated on the network. They are locked to the machine using them.
- Subscription comes with a secondary supplementary license for use on another computer or dual-boot configuration.
- Cannot open the Indie interface with the Houdini Engine Indie license.
An Indie subscription contains 3 licenses:
- Houdini Indie- open the Houdini Indie interface
- Renderer (Indie/Apprentice) - render using Mantra
- Karma-Renderer (Indie/Apprentice) - render using Karma
For more information about Houdini Indie : www.sidefx.com/products/houdini-indie
To compare Houdini Indie with our Commercial and Apprentice products: www.sidefx.com/products/compare
To purchase Houdini Indie: www.sidefx.com/buy
Houdini Indie on Steam FAQ