Tearing cloth in 12.5

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Hi all!

I'm wondering if there is any workflow for controlling cloth tearing in 12.5 similar to those in previous versions. I can't find any!

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with every houdini release Cloth is becoming a guess game, many things are different but stay the old way in docs and sometimes even other way around

tearing was missing in 12.5 until 12.5.423
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Houdini 12.5.423: Added back support for tearing and plastic deformation on the cloth solver.

however it's not called tearing animore but fracturing
so you need to go to Cloth Solver and check Enable Fracturing
on Cloth Object in Fracturing tab set Fracture Threshold
and you can control it by fracturethreshold float attrib which acts like multiplier
no shelf tools for it yet
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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Thanks Tomas,

That is exactly what I was trying, but adding the attribute doesn't seem to have any effect!

: I am stupid. I was mispelling threshold!

PD: I am going to Bratislava in a couple of weeks. It's nice to know that there are Houdini artists around!
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Joined: July 2007
PD: I am going to Bratislava in a couple of weeks. It's nice to know that there are Houdini artists around!

that's great, let me know when you are here, I will be away 22.7-12.8 though, but if it happen to be later, we can have a beer
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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