The preference menu of softimage is very efficient. The concept of list on the left side permit to navigate rapidly. The right side corresponds to his corresponding options.
Houdini should improve his customization like softimage because a lot of things are “hard coded”.
In softimage world “cluster” = houdini “group”
Very good points.
Wow, that was a lot of work already! I'm sure everyone appreciates the time and effort that you're undertaking here!
Regarding screen space, have you tried right-clicking on the transform handle and choosing Align Handle > View?
I have, it is a good tool because it allows you to translate the object towards or away from you (a unique and useful feature), however, for a fast interaction a modeler should have the option to move in screen space without fiddling with the menu (unless, in this case wants to take advantage of the unique feature) but by clicking in the axis origin of the gizmo.
Thank you for the appreciation.
Loop selections wise, I find Houdini's approach very different, since it acts on the last selected edge, rather than everything.
Good point. I will update the
selection section.
All sounds very cool - out of interest is there any part of SoftImage modelling/selections that you wouldn't want to see transferred. What was the most painful part in Soft modelling/selections that should be avoided?
The hallmark of a skeptic mind. Bravo!
As far as selections and polygonal modelling goes, I can't say there are things to be avoided, at most to be improved upon.
One thing I kept hearing (never bothered me personally) was the lack of a true symmetry feature, but there were workarounds (a thing we have to avoid) like cloning the object and scaling it with -1 on X.
Regarding these two, things work really great and that's one of the reasons you keep hearing people how easy and well thought modeling and interaction is in Softimage.
Regarding modeling in general, I say NURBS modeling in XSI is something to be left alone - look elsewhere for inspiration, like Maya and obviously NURBS modelers like AliasST or Rhino. I'm sure though, that this community understandably doesn't have a particular interest in NURBS modeling.
Modelling wise I love softimage approach in which tools are sensitive to the elements they are manipulating, so if are moving vertices and you hover over an edge the tool switches to edges automatically, and poligos.. and you can edit multiple objects at the same time.
You're talking about the
tweak tool ‘M’ inside XSI. I didn't get into modeling yet so I was getting there, but I guess it's my fault. I shall create a road map (subject to change) so that we keep our focus on the
current chapter.
hierarchy selection… I am convinced it was very close to perfect.
The same for proportional editing taking in account distance the right way, calculating by travelling through the mesh so if you are touching the top lip of the character with a big brush you won't affect the lower lip as it is distance is greater than X, defined really easily by the size of the brush.
Very good points. I will update
selections section.
Max's gizmo is not one to be taken as an example? Why? Visuallly it presents what you can do with no outside intervention needed. Works great in the Orthographic views too.
Because everything Max has ever had was done better somewhere else.

Joking aside, the main reason we should not adopt that style I already said previously, but to reinforce - huge distracting yellow areas that bring nothing while taking away visual information regarding what's behind.
Anyway. We can disagree all day on a gizmo, haha. I'm glad these talks are on and I can't wait to see what's SideFX has in store for Houdini. It's a little sad that it took the demise of one software though. Lots of these QOL suggestions have come up in the past. But it's great to see a passionate Softimage person put it plainly and clearly for SideFX which I don't recall happening too often. Keep on the good fight!
Thank you for the input and stay involved.
except to correct an incorrect assertion about the current state of Houdini
Speaking of which, I posted an inquiry on the previous page regarding
brush picking tool - is more than a selection tool?
Anyone can take a swing regarding this question.
Thanks for stopping by twod, I'm very glad SideFX is listening.
I will roll up my sleeves and update the page very soon. We'll get into modeling features soon enough - that will be lots of fun. And work.