I don't understand why both you and Marty don't read what I say exactly as I say it.
On the page I said: Create a box and set its primitive type to polygon mesh
I didn't say Houdini will select polys immediately after I create the box.
I said "and set its primitive", therefore after you create it, you enter in SOP and set the primitive type to polygon mesh.
Then it does select all the polys.
No it doesn't. Try to move the handle. It moves whole box because it sets its Center parameter. If you drag the scale part of the handle it changes Size parameter.
To select polygons you have to set your tool to Select (S key) and select something. Only exception is if you switch to Select tool and then you switch to Transform tool, that way it creates Edit SOP with all polygons in Group parameter of Edit SOP.
What purpose does it serve to hide (by deactivating display points setting) points when in both object as well as point mode?
It's great to have the posibility to turn on/off point visibility inside different Contexts. Often we don't want to have the viewport cluttered with mess. (Try to work with milions of points). And in Houdini you do much more work inside Object context (deformation/DOP) then in XSI.
In XSI you usually work in Object level (context) and go into editing geometry context only sometimes. You can't turn off point display in XSI when you are in edit geometry mode (although it is possible to set the point size to smaller value). That jumping between edit geometry and object level context in Houdini would be insane and terribly slow from point of workflow. (You would need a lot of pinning the viewport, jumping between contexts just to see result and so on) And also if you work with mesh that has milions of points you don't want to have all of them visualized, you usually need to see just the shape (polygons).
From my point of view it's pretty smart behaviour. You want see points? Turn them on. You don't want? Turn them off. No need to fiddle with point size.
If the brush tool would not be able to select by simply LMB clicking but only by making a stroke (like it is now), then we need a raycast like selection tool. Otherwise I agree with the improvements you proposed to which I'd add the option to save a default after making a customization.
I don't use mouse. So it works for me with tablet. So if LMB click doesn't select anything it would be better to send it as RFE for Brush Picking tool. (Much better then request of new tool that do same thing).
Possibility of saving default settings for any tool is always good.
Raycast part of the selection is already there and could be turn on with Shift+V (Area Select Visible Geometry only).
In many areas Houdini tries to reinvent the wheel for things already sorted out which work simple and intuitively…
You cannot play the piano same way as you play flute.
Try to imagine frustration of Houdini users that comes to the Max or Maya for the first time and realise that they cannot access vital core components directly but has to do a lot of scripting, C programming or buying plugins.
E.g. look at 3dsmax navigation style, it's completely different than Maya and there are plenty of users that use it every day and don't complain.