Fur render not following sub-d geometry

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Hi everyone,

I'm having an issue with my fur/hair render not following the contours of my subdivided head geometry as displayed in the attached images. On both the head geometry node and fur node I have ‘Polygons as Subdivisions’ enabled, however I have a feeling there's more to it than that for fur renders. Am I needing to append a subdivision node to my head geo prior to generating the fur perhaps?

Any help would be appreciated, cheers!

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That is actually a good question, the way I solve this problem is subdviding my skin mesh after I do all my paints and combs but if you do this you loose all that inside the fur asset, so to solve this I save or lock my low mesh inside the fur asset and I use a attribute transfer to transfer all my attributes to the higher res mesh it works but involves a workflow where you have to do that every time you before rendering, makes sense?

I hope that helps but I am sure there's a easier way maybe someone here could share some ideas.

https://vimeo.com/user2163076 [vimeo.com]
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My may is use one displace map for fur,the map is generate from the subdivided obj
https://vimeo.com/user3971456/videos [vimeo.com]
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Cool! that makes sense but how would you generate this map?
https://vimeo.com/user2163076 [vimeo.com]
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I think you can generate it by shop or cop just find distance between original obj and subdivided obj.
But i do it by mudbox cheek smooth target models option off,that's easier
https://vimeo.com/user3971456/videos [vimeo.com]
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Thank you both, I look forward to trying those methods out. Quick question on the first method though, where should I be sticking my low-res mesh inside of the fur asset when locking it down? Cheers.
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-Apply a subdivide node in your skin geometry and bypass it;
-Inside your fur asset do what you have to do in your low res mesh combs, paints, attributes etc;
-Lock the very last node with your attributes;
-Unbypass your subdivide node;
-Transfer the attributes from the locked node to the subdivided geo inside the fur asset;
-That´s it;

Makes sense?
https://vimeo.com/user2163076 [vimeo.com]
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Makes perfect sense, and worked perfectly. Thanks!
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the reason for this is that the fur node, will use the skin as the skin geometry.

the subdivide at rendering time is a property of the node that happen for render.
if you like this behavior like other packages you need to make a switch with between the low res and the subd mesh that is link to the parameter.
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