License Server Keeps Asking to Install

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Hey Guys;

I am having trouble installing an apprentice license on my mac. I'm on OS X Version 10.7.4 and have downloaded 12.1.33.

1. The Houdini License Administrator pops up.
2. I choose “Install (or reinstall) my free Houdini Apprentice license…”.
3. I click “Next”
4. I accept the “End User License Agreement”.
5. The window that says “The non-commercial licenses were successfully installed. What would you like to do next?” pops up.
6. I click ‘Run’.
7. The process starts over at #1.
Francisco Rodriguez
Effects Animator | Walt Disney Animation Studios
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Not sure how this works on a mac, but you may need to start as an adminstrator, install the license, close it, then run Houdini normally afterwards.
Ian Farnsworth
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I encounter this exact same problem.
I'm on osx 10.6.8, and in the past, I had no problem with running houdini apprentice.
I tried the uninstaller, and reinstall latest version, but still it's still stucked into this perpetual license install asking.



I just noticed that even if I choose the proper version on the drop down menu in the download page, I get this dmg:
Is it normal?
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Looking at my License Administrator. Everything is looking kosher.

The license server is running.
The license server is allowed to serve licenses
License Administrator can read and modify local licenses.

Going to send my diagnostic info to sidefx support.

BTW: This is happening on both 12.1.33 and 12.0.634
Francisco Rodriguez
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Ok, I think I solved my problem by desactivating the stealth mode inside my firewall settings.

You should try this if you're on osx…


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Actually, it seems even more simple for me.
I reactivated the stealth mode, and added Houdini in the list of programs able to receive incoming connections.
And now it runs smoothly.

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From [] it doesn't sound like stealth mode would impact the Houdini licensing. Perhaps you have some other firewall option that was blocking Houdini until you added it to the exceptions list.
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There are not a lot of options in the firewall configuration panel (here in french):

houdini-firewall.png (77.0 KB)

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I got a reply from Side FX that works. Seems like my licenses list was pretty backlogged and was confusing the server. All I had to do was delete the licenses.local file under /Library/Preferences/sesi (please do not confuse this with path with /users/username/Library).

Installing the license then worked! Thanks, Silvina.
Francisco Rodriguez
Effects Animator | Walt Disney Animation Studios
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I was having this problem on windows 7 as well. but when I looked at my start menu i had “Houdini” then I also had “Houdini 12.1.33” when I clicked the later it didn't ask me to install a license. I'm not sure what(if anything) this means but it worked.
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had same problem and tried all suggestions here (prior to reading them). The only thing that worked was installing license manually following instructions at: " []".

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i know this has been solved but if anyone runs into this on windows, be sure that your running houdini fx and not houdini. caused a great deal of confusion for me when they made the switch.
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I just had the same trouble on Win7_64.
Fired up Wireshark and had a look

URI: /client/get_non_commercial_license_auto.php?servername=xxxxxxxxxx&servercode=xxxxxx&version=12.1&products=RENDER-NC%3bHOUDINI-NC

then a look at [] reveals, there is no licence for 12.1 :-(
So I fired the last 12.0, let it get a licence, and retried Houdini FX (12.1) et voilá, it runs….

just felt the need to share!

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I got a reply from Side FX that works. Seems like my licenses list was pretty backlogged and was confusing the server. All I had to do was delete the licenses.local file under /Library/Preferences/sesi (please do not confuse this with path with /users/username/Library).

Installing the license then worked! Thanks, Silvina.
Yes, I just had the same problem. I'd install a new apprentice license and it
would already appear used (hkey shows 0/1 available).
Running Houdini would just go in circles with an offer to install another
apprentice license. Fail. There were a lot of old licenses, for sure.

It might be the OSX hostname changed. it now seems to be blah.local.local

Renaming “/Library/Preferences/sesi/licenses.local” to
“/Library/Preferences/sesi/licenses.local.19Aug14” & restarting sesinetd fixed it.
At first hkey is unhappy. Running HoudiniFX and choosing to install another
apprentice license creates a new license.local file. Then you're good to go.
Certainly, the new long SERVER code in the new license file is different..
hope that helps.
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Hello, I got the same problem
Here you have my diagnostic info :

License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: Yes
License server version: 16.0.504
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ——— —————
****** ******* no - -
License Administrator version: 16.0.621
Http proxy host: (none)
Licensing options file: CProgram Files/Side Effects Software/Houdini 16.0.621/houdini/Licensing.opt
Using standalone mode: No
Can retrieve Yes

Installed licenses:

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER ****** ——–

Serv *************
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no

I tried everything but houdini cannot connect to my license server, I don't know why, maybe because of the others licenses server I have, but I shut them all down but nothing works.
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Getting the same problem trying to install on Windows 7.
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