Houdini 14 Wishlist

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Not enough info to give you an answer here.

thank you jeff Guru !
So long as you reply that's already a nice answer
https://vimeo.com/user3971456/videos [vimeo.com]
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A really simple thing that would be useful is to be able to use inverted groups.
So you would basically get 2 groups from 1 group.

You'd just either use ‘mygroup’ and something like ‘*mygroup’ to invert the selection.

I would also appreciate if any node that creates new geometry can optionally group it in one go. The polycap node should group the cap. The knife node should group the newly created edge, etc.

I would like a loop/while node…something like foreach, but does the actions over x iterations or based on some other rule, while perhaps increasing a value each time.
The example I have in mind is to loop over a “clip”, and move the origin over each loop, so you could slice something repeatedly with a single node.

Also, a “keep original geometry” for the copy sop.
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It will be great if my dreams about combining the classic skinning(bones) with muscles(metaballs) come to life. I heard in maya it is very simple. This is out of my mind - why there is no such possibility in houdini? I spent a week and broke my head trying to achieve this issue. And my sadness was endless when i knew that it is impossible.
Hope you heard my crying and make all the people who needs this happy
Thank you!
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I wish for more Noise Pattern's. Look at Modo Enhanced Textures, there is manny Noise Patterns.

http://docs.luxology.com/modo/801/help/pages/shaderendering/EmodoTextures.html#page=page-2 [docs.luxology.com]

Sure I could probably build manny of these with combinations of existing Patterns in Houdini but it would be great to have more.

Thank you.


Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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- An option that makes remesh generate nice quads instead of triangles.
- Edgde divide: Remove shared edges should (optionally) leave holes in geomtery and not destroy essential edges.
- An option in the bevel sop so that only bevels cusped edges and treats non-cusped edges like continious faces.

- Layout UV shells - A simple node that gives you different options to layout UVs in UV space. More and possibly better layout algorythm options would be great, too.
- Generally better tools to work with edges and more nodes understanding edge group input.

- A modern PBR material (and presets) similar to what is used in newer game engines like Unreal 4. With Roughness and Reflectivity inputs…

- Foreach cop
- shift cop (as in photoshop): shifting means whatever you move within the canvas will reappear on the other end.

Please inform me via PM if any of these nodes and options already exist.^^
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For prevent flat polygons from beveling just use group node before bevel node and play with angle parms
https://gumroad.com/alexeyvanzhula [gumroad.com]
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I'd like to have multi-input nodes in SOP context such as ApplyData DOP, where first input to the left is separated from other inputs to the right.
Aleksei Rusev
Sr. Graphics Tools Engineer @ Nvidia
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It would be good to change tool behaviour to properly work with undo\redo.
At now, you can redo only one last undoed tool. This problem is shown with going to current node manipulator state. Without it you can redo all undoed tools (or manually created nodes with manipulator state activated).
https://gumroad.com/alexeyvanzhula [gumroad.com]
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Of course I know mPlay is external program that calling with Houdini , So we can't take current project directory with clicking on $HIP icon on the browser window (in mPlay).
But it's a little annoying to define project directory in the mplay each time.
for example when we wanna save Flipbooks in mPlay to the disk.

So it's should be great if we have this option in the H14 :idea:
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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Mattias Magito2
You'd just either use ‘mygroup’ and something like ‘*mygroup’ to invert the selection.
!mygroup should be everything except mygroup.

I would also appreciate if any node that creates new geometry can optionally group it in one go. The polycap node should group the cap. The knife node should group the newly created edge, etc.
Some SOPs do this sort of thing by default if you put them down from the viewport. I think there's a “select” flag you can enable from the list view of the nodes, though I don't remember.

I would like a loop/while node…something like foreach, but does the actions over x iterations or based on some other rule, while perhaps increasing a value each time.
The example I have in mind is to loop over a “clip”, and move the origin over each loop, so you could slice something repeatedly with a single node.
Like with copy stamping, there's a stamp value for the loop index, so you have access to it. Also, to apply operations in sequence always on the geometry from the previous iteration, turn off “Merge Results”.

Also, a “keep original geometry” for the copy sop.
I don't really understand what this means, since the original geometry can be copied however many times you want to wherever you want in whatever orientations you want.
Writing code for fun and profit since... 2005? Wow, I'm getting old.
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Mattias Magito2
I would like a loop/while node…something like foreach, but does the actions over x iterations or based on some other rule, while perhaps increasing a value each time.
The example I have in mind is to loop over a “clip”, and move the origin over each loop, so you could slice something repeatedly with a single node.

Isnt this exactly the forEach SOP?
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Remove(or rearrange) all redundant operator RMB menu content. There are tons of menu actions witch are useless (select, edit-network, distribute.., align..) who use this? :?
Aleksei Rusev
Sr. Graphics Tools Engineer @ Nvidia
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Supporting some Volume nodes such as Volume Compress for VDB :idea:
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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Adding a node (HDK node) for deforming Pyro FX ,(such as Lattice or Twist) :idea:
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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Adding a node (HDK node) for deforming Pyro FX ,(such as Lattice or Twist) :idea:

Of course I know that we can do it with VOP (convert Volumes to Points , Deform these points and back Volume to the Points).

But this is so slow for very high res volumes :cry:
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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Adding a node (HDK node) for deforming Pyro FX ,(such as Lattice or Twist) :idea:

You can also use the low-level VEX deformers (orange) to deform volumes directly without converting them points as they can be used in any VOP context
https://www.orbolt.com/search/?q=tags:spacewarp [orbolt.com]

Voronoi Split SOP should support cutting the geometry without separating the polygons physically. Fusing is very slow and error prone in complex models. Having the model not separated would solve this issue.

It's useful in creating CVT (centroidal voronoi tessellation):

http://alice.loria.fr/index.php/publications.html?Author=Levy&Paper=remesh@2009&redirect=0 [alice.loria.fr]

Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

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You can also use the low-level VEX deformers (orange) to deform volumes directly without converting them points as they can be used in any VOP context Smile
https://www.orbolt.com/search/?q=tags:spacewarp [orbolt.com]

Specially thanks for this , I'll check it ASAP , Of course I coudn't find Lattice deformer , But maybe we can use same method for this
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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Specially thanks for this , I'll check it ASAP , Of course I coudn't find Lattice deformer , But maybe we can use same method for this

Np, Lattice deformer would definitely be a good addition to this deformer set
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

youtube.com/@pragmaticvfx | patreon.com/animatrix | pragmaticvfx.gumroad.com
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1) Proper Snapping Tool

2) Ability to: Promote Paint SOP
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