Nuke node interaction

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Hey guys. I'm posting here first as the Foundry Nuke forums seem like a ghost town these days. Anyways, I'm setting up Nuke Studio in my studio space with Nuke and Houdini workstations side by side which will ultimately mean switching back and forth more frequently than before. Obviously, this will make the differences of two programs more pronounced and annoying in day to day work.

Has got me wondering if there are any interaction preferences I could (or should) be adjusting to make it more seamless going back and forth. I chose “Houdini” style 3d interaction and which makes a huge difference in ease of use between the two. Does anyone else have any tips or preferences that either make Nuke more Houdini-like or vice versa?
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That 3d control in Nuke is the main one - aside from that use .abc for 3d file transfers and and exr for 2d files and you'll be sweet.

There's not too much overlap as you'll use Nuke for 2d and Houdini for 3d mainly.
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Thanks. That's helpful. Now that I've gotten used to Houdini over the past year I'm finding it more and more annoying to work with nodes getting back to Nuke. I can't tell you how many times I've grabbed and wiggled nodes in Nuke this past week
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For disconnecting nodes in Nuke by shaking look at this: [] :wink:
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I am disappointed that nuke doesn't have “L” arrange nodes, doesn't have snapping for the UI, doesn't have shake to unplug, I hate if I have something selected and add a node nuke does what he wants instead just drop my node and let me do what I want with it.

there is no interactive development like in Houdini where you have a python console to play around.

I started a program that can send Houdini mantra nodes to nuke and arrange them. []
the idea is that people could start an pre comp in Houdini and then move to nuke, and maybe sync them in the future. that way you could save on nuke licenses since you don't always need all the nodes that nuke offer, some times is just a quick color correction, mask, etc…

you should check natron, open source. and is like nuke []
(I am so exited for this one). or fusion since now they offer one version that is free.
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