H14 Orbolt login?

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Can anyone confirm that H14 works with the Orbolt store?

“Launch in Houdini” in the browser does nothing now.

When I try and “Synchronize Asset Library” from H14 it confirms Login in my browser but Houdini times out “waiting for the server to respond”.

Manually putting an OTL folder in my user folder does not list any of my assets either so I don't seem to have access to any of my previous assets.

I only began with H13 so this is my first major version update on my system. Is there a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP when making the transition that I may be missing?

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Houdini 14 should work with Orbolt. We're looking into the ‘Waiting for server reponse’ on syncing assets.

If anyone is encoutering this issue, can you post your specs.. that'll help to narrow things down.

- OS
- internet browser
- houdini version
- python version (if any custom installs)

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Windows 7

Any other pointers?
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Try grabbing latest daily builds as there have been some fixes post gold release.

http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_download&Itemid=208 [sidefx.com]
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Just a quick note that the new Daily build (14.0.222) seems to of resolved the login issue.

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I have the same problem on Mac. Orbolt can't log in, stops at loading screen.

Houdini Indie Version 14.0.224
always learning
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Stuck at the loading screen of Orbolt inside H14.0.231. Synchronize Asset Library window says: “Failed to get response from the store.”

Yosemite 10.10.1
iMac 12,2
Houdini Indie 14.0.231
Anthony Morrelle
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Is there anyone on Windows that's experiencing the sync issues (with latest daily build)?

So far it seems to be isolated to macs/osx.
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I had this problem with H14 initially and an Orbolt support fellow ended up working with me to try and resolve it.

Part of my issue was I was using Chrome, so I couldn't confirm that the return path after authentication was pointing to the correct Houdini path and switched to Firefox to check against Orbolt's setup. This also failed to do anything but time-out. What's hilarious (to me) is that the support fellow switched to Chrome, trying to duplicate what I was seeing, had their own site time-out on him and then when he switched back to Firefox it continued to do nothing but time-out for him.

I couldn't tell you whether there was a fix implemented, or just updating to 14.0.236 solved the issue but I've had no problems doing a sync since. I had to re-install Windows and Houdini on my machine at work last week and Orbolt sync'd right up.

Now, a bigger problem, is apparently contributors aren't able to upload new versions of assets to Orbolt. Dany has been trying to update the layered PBR material since this last weekend and it fails, which is a real drag because I need his update and his sending me the .OTL itself, bypassing Orbolt, is conflicting currently and doesn't want to install (the version on Orbolt is missing support for udim in the displacement map field).
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Firefox 36.0
no custom Python installs
Orbolt -> Launch in Houdini Button is doing nothing

Just for the report log :-)
English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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For those having download issues grab latest daily build (14.0.254). There was several fixes that went in after the production build.

http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_download&Itemid=208 [sidefx.com]

We're looking into the upload issues right now. If anyone is having problems send an email to support@orbolt.com (with os/houdini/browser/python version and if possible attach the assets you're having trouble with).

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