Constant crashes on OSX 10.10.1. Unable to use Houdini :(

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I just wanted to add my setup to the list:

System Specs:
OSX 10.9.5. Late 2011 MacBook Pro, 2.5 GHz, Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB.

Viewport point selections does not work. If I create a grid, box select the top left point, I get a random selection of points on the grid. Same occurs for primitive selections. Switching to “vertices” selection crashes Houdini. Edges works though…

This is a known issue with mobile-AMD GPUs that we're attempting to resolve (doesn't affect desktop AMD, such as the D300-700 or the 5770, 5870, or 7970).

To work around the issue, turn off “Area Select Visible Components Only” (Shift+V). This will unfortunately pick all points within the area, visible or not, but is better than randomly selecting points.
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I put in another change that should appear in the next daily build (14.0.228) which fixes up the garbled UI on my machine.

If anyone wants to see if Apple fixed the nVidia driver in 10.10.2, you can use an up to date daily build, but set the environment variable:


This will cause your machine to run the same code as every other platform. I'm going to refrain from updating to 10.10.2 myself until I feel a little more confident about the current fix and/or the stability of 10.10.2.

Thanks for your continued patience and assistance,
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Thanks mark .

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EDIT: H14.0.228 working nicely- thanks Mark!


Apple did good - garbled color wheel & dialogs appear to be gone in OsX 10.10.2, Houdini 14.0.227, HOUDINI_OGL_REUSE_BUFFERS=0, Gtx 980, Web Dirver 343.0.02.f01

Sphere and VdB to polys doesn't crash either but currently Bug #66431: Crash OsX Nvidia ‘Show Only Selected Primitives’ still crashes - will test again with Houdini 14.0.228!

Fwiw: Apple lifted their game on this release; OsX 10.10.2 OpenCL issues are being reported fixed in Davinci Resolve too.
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One issue I get with my rMBP 750M, adding opacity map freezes Houdini, if you have show textures enabled. Can anyone confirm this? Using 10..0.201.13 version.
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@MartybNz: I haven't been able to reproduce 66431, and there is no crash log attached there. Could you attach one when you have a moment? Thanks.

@SreckoM: I have replicated the opacity map hang on my Macbook with the 650M (Grid SOP into UV PRoject, apply a Mantra Surface, and set the Diffuse map to one of the $HH/pic/butterfly images). The hang happens deep inside the video driver, and for me it only happened with “Transparency” set to “Medium Quality” (both Low and High Quality seemed fine). This option is set on the Display Options dialog Effects tab in the Material area. Hopefully this workaround can get you past this problem for now? Which version of OSX are you running?

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Yosemite 10.10.2. Will try workaround, thanks!
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Hey Marty, thanks for the crash log. It shows it crashing in the same old location inside the driver, “gleDirtyBufferObjectCurrentBindPoints”. Which may or may not mean it is the same bug… It's in a very different area of the Houdini code than any crash I've seen before. I apologize if you've answered this already, but does that crash persist (and have the same crash log) when you don't set the REUSE_BUFFERS environment variable (or explicitly set it to 1)?

Thanks very much,
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but does that crash persist (and have the same crash log) when you don't set the REUSE_BUFFERS environment variable (or explicitly set it to 1)?

No crash when REUSE_BUFFERS is not set to 0.

P.S. Note there is no interface corruption in pre-H14.0.228 fix, bad color wheel etc. when REUSE_BUFFERS is set to 1 in OsX 10.10.2. It's becoming a weird matrix of bug issues, just to keep you on your toes!

H14.0.228, Gtx 980
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Thanks for all the info guys. The latest daily build that SideFX told me to download works! I can continue learning Houdini

I tested both moving verts in component mode and attaching the mountain sop to the testRubberToy geometry and both worked.

This is with the latest Nvidia drivers (compatible with 10.10.2) and using Houdini build 14.0.228.
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but does that crash persist (and have the same crash log) when you don't set the REUSE_BUFFERS environment variable (or explicitly set it to 1)?

No crash when REUSE_BUFFERS is not set to 0.

P.S. Note there is no interface corruption in pre-H14.0.228 fix, bad color wheel etc. when REUSE_BUFFERS is set to 1 in OsX 10.10.2. It's becoming a weird matrix of bug issues, just to keep you on your toes!

H14.0.228, Gtx 980

Good grief… Okay, so lets focus on what matters. Houdini 14.0.228 (I'm ignoring 14.0.227, because I refuse to accept that the change I put into 14.0.228, which only affects the REUSE_BUFFERS=1 case, could possibly in any sane world cause _new_ problems):

REUSE_BUFFERS 10.10.1 10.10.2
0 (many) crashes, corruption (few) crashes, no corruption
1 no crashes, no corruption no crashes, corruption

Is that seriously what we're faced with now? Or did I misunderstand something?

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Is that seriously what we're faced with now? Or did I misunderstand something?

Sticking with H14.0.228+ I believe it's:

REUSE_BUFFERS 10.10.1 10.10.2
0 (many) crashes, corruption (few) crashes, no corruption
1 no crashes, no corruption no crashes, no corruption

The complications came from testing pre fixed versions of Houdini with OsX 10.10.2
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Hi Mark , tried .228 and selecting points / doing anything in the viewport just gives me glitches and then lock up. To sum up its unusable

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Ya - the old NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512 MB does the same thing - screen flickers - computer lock ups etc. Houdini 13 will run on it but H14 won't.

The beefier AMD 7950(3GB)and Nvidia 980(4GB)- no problem.
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@circusmonkey: so looking back through this thread, it seems like your most stable build was 14.0.224. Is that right? My only other thought would be to introduce yet another env var that gives back the .224 behavior instead of the .228 behavior (though I'll state again, because I can't help it, the fact that .228 is less stable than .224 makes absolutely no sense to me… But I'm not one to argue with reality). Before I do that could you just post up a crash log, or a sample of the Houdini process, if you are able to get either of those? Just so I can see if the problem has moved somewhere else.

I'm pleased that the newer cards at least are covered off. Small victories.

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Hi Mark to be honest not one build of Houdini h14 has been any good for actually doing any project of any kind. From not being able to display any normals , to garbled screen when trying to select points. default objects like a grid being black when using a headlight.
I am willing to upgrade the OS on my macbook pro but I do fear it might make things worse.I will see what extra data I can get you.

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@SreckoM: I have replicated the opacity map hang on my Macbook with the 650M (Grid SOP into UV PRoject, apply a Mantra Surface, and set the Diffuse map to one of the $HH/pic/butterfly images). The hang happens deep inside the video driver, and for me it only happened with “Transparency” set to “Medium Quality” (both Low and High Quality seemed fine). This option is set on the Display Options dialog Effects tab in the Material area. Hopefully this workaround can get you past this problem for now? Which version of OSX are you running?


Just found the same thing trying to track the problem with shelf Dry Sand tool - 100% CPU/Not responding. It is caused by POP Sprite/POP Color node. When transparency is set to Low or High its OK. Tested on 14.0.223 and 10.0.228 - behaviour is the same. There is no such problem on

Platform: darwin-x86_64-clang5.1-MacOSX10.9
Operating System: Mac OS X Version 10.10.2 (Build 14C109)
OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine
OpenGL Version: 4.1 NVIDIA-10.2.1 310.41.15f01
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Just found the same thing trying to track the problem with shelf Dry Sand tool - 100% CPU/Not responding. It is caused by POP Sprite/POP Color node. When transparency is set to Low or High its OK. Tested on 14.0.223 and 10.0.228 - behaviour is the same. There is no such problem on

This appears to be an issue with the OSX GL driver for Nvidia. I have a Quadro 4000 with the Nvidia-supplied driver and it works without issue.

We've submitted a bug to Apple about this (among others).
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@ Mark
I took the plunge last night in desperation and upgraded the OS to 10.10.2 .

1) the default display of Normals does not work still. But if I create and display my own Normals > that works ! . So that says its not a graphics card issue.

2) Toggling between default lighting and headlight , lighting does nothing when using any default object like a grid or sphere etc etc . Add an environment light and select “high quality lighting” from the viewport sidebar , the viewport will shading for your object will work. Seems to point to headlight setting failing ? .

3) Selecting points works ( light grey viewport BG ) . No glitches , selecting polys gives me a very faint out line in yellow of the selected polys . Seems like the viewport selection modes are tempered towards users having a black BG .

Since upgrading things appear better. Will keep everyone posted.

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The user experience is much better now but still there is one critical bg that I'm having with my build (14.0.236). Sometimes when minimizing/maximizig houdini, it stops to take any feedback from the mouse. In most of the cases the cursor is stuck inside node view area and behaves like I'm holding Space. After hitting ESC I can no longer do anything with it.I have to use CMD+Q and navigate with keyboard to save my scene and quit. I can move the floating windows but anything else does not respond.
Unfortunately no idea how to reproduce it.
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