Copy Stamp to File Sop Node

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Let's assume, that i have 1200 bgeo files (approximately 1MB) and i am randomly stamping 500 of them with a copy node using a file node in the left tree.

This approach is very slow (expectedly). However, how are you guys tackling such situations? My next approach would be loading all 1200 bgeo nodes into file nodes and then referencing them via the instance node.

Any more ideas?
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it´s an interesting problem…

…from the top of my head, what about instancing with a delayed load procedural? I don´t know if there are more recent (i.e. smarter) methods involving packed, but that one might still work.
Javier Meroño
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I think pre-loading them into File SOPs sounds like a good idea to me. It all depends on what/how you iterate on them though. If you don't need to edit the result, make sure you turn on packing in the Copy SOP.
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how about using a delayed load set up and just stamp a variable onto your points.

Gone fishing
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PS. For File SOPs, there is also the option to load them as a packed disk primitive.
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Write the file path to a point attribute called “instancefile” then render with an instance geo node. You can use material overrides per point to change material settings.
Or render it with a normal geo node and use an instance sop and set the Instance Attribute to “instancefile”. You will need to use a renderstate node in your shader to access point attributes at rendertime for material overrides.
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when i am loading the files as packed disk primitives, i got bounding box, was this the idea?

i preloaded them into GEO-files, and it works like a charm. However, this is not so cool, when i want to change parmameters.

Wouldn't this mean to load every frame new files? That could be time-consuming when i want to scrub through the timeline.
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when i am loading the files as packed disk primitives, i got bounding box, was this the idea?

After you change the File SOP to load as a Packed Disk Primitive, change the next parameter to show as Full Geometry.
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i would like to merge all bgeo files as one bgeo,and load it by one file sop once []
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If the file sops are not animated (which is suggested by your note that you wish to scrub them) you can go with a Cache SOP. It can stamp its input, or you can just use $F as the index into your list of filenames in your file sop.
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You can also use a File Merge sop to load multiple files in, as long as the file names follow a good naming convention.
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Where would i have to put the cache node? After the copy node? I didn't get it exactly.

The FileMerge just exploded my RAM usage

Currently the instancing method, having all geo's in seperate geo file sop's and referencing them through the instance attribute seems to be the fastest way.

Probably i am not applying all your hints perfectly, but it would be cool, when you could deliver minimal examples.
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