dynamic ice fracturing

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Hey everyone,

I'm cross-posting from Odforce because I really need help.

I'm trying to create a dynamic cracking ice wall. What that means is that I have a wall geo that needs to be cracked (multiple times possibly) based on an impact object (or anything really) but it cannot be pre-fractured due to the ice nature.

I've been trying by haking the fracture parm (voronoi fracture config obj) node and tried with a SopSolver in DOP as well with no decent result.

I was wondering if you had any ideas on how to approach this.

Here's a photo of the ice crack shape I'm trying to go for:

https://www.flickr.com/photos/dreamofdata/5434655197/in/photostream/ [flickr.com]

Thanks for any help.

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What about the ice nature prevents pre-fracturing?

You can always use the old bait-and-switch. Pre-fracture the geometry of the ice, as it is on the frame you want it to fracture. Sim up to that point, swap out whatever ice sim you've got with pre-fractured geo that was created from the shape of the ice as it is on the swap-out frame.
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I wish we could do that, but we actually need the ice gradually cracking, not all together as you suggest.
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Fake the gradual cracking in comp?

Does sound challenging. Maybe a guru will swing by with a better suggestion.
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I think that you can pre-fracture and use glue constraints to hold the ice in place. You can also have an object that you can animate that can control how the ice will begin to crumble using an attribute transfer methodology.

I think this is the right master class - https://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2350&Itemid=132 [sidefx.com]

In the project files there is an example that shows how to set up.
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Hi sl0throp,

Thanks for the reply but the problem with pre-fracturing ice is that it shows through due to the nature of ice itself.

I've been trying different techniques and on odforce they also posted some interesting files I need to check as well.

Thanks anyway
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You can delete the inside faces of the pre cracked geo and add them back in as your ice cracks. I have had success with this method in the past.
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