Hi all. I have some problem with this plugin. I get some errors with PC comb options. There is screen in which You can see the problem. This is only one thing wich is not working for me in fabio hair system , maybe somebody has same problem and can help ?
First of all, thank you very much for creating this amazing tool!
I have this problem below:
Why this is happening? This cuts aren't visible in viewport but they show up on render, even if I rotate a camera they still exist…
And my 2nd question is: Always when I combing fur and try use smooth brush houdini crashes… Anyone else has this problem or just me..? (h14)
EDIT: I just found a solution for my problem in a “Resample Curves” option (Fur > Guides). It creates a straight lines which aren't renderable. The reason of this issue was the hair scale value in between -3 i 3.. so I needed to resample it to 3 length and everything renders fine now
you have un check remove unguided hair, meaning that if a hair is not close to a guide will be a straight line along the normal. i would advice always turning that on.
the -3 to 3 that a multiplier value. the push parameter move the points of the hair, close or away from the root of the hair, the idea that can be - to + is so you can randomize the length of the hairs a little bit
Thank you very much for this tool. Just downloaded it. I had some error when loading it on latest houdini, but everything seems to be working for now. I need to grow hair following some curves, looks like this is the perfect tool for that. I will dive into it next few days. I tried wire solver and houdini fur node, but this looks like way better way to do what I need.
I am working in a new couple of ideas after talking with some users on how to speed up the process / get less noise. https://vimeo.com/190887227 [vimeo.com]
Hi Pelos. Great news about the updated tool. I have been working with the Fabio for last few days, and everything seems to be working, but still I`m getting this error: 'invalid syntax', ('opdefdk::Object/Fabio_Hair_System::1.8.00?PythonModule', 119, 4, ‘ ’) Do you have any idea why that is happening? Houdini version 15.5.565
Really love the cloth setup so I can make trailing hair interacting with static objects. Thank you
now can use the new nodes of houdini 16 shelf button “Hair V16” will laydown all the nodes for using the new nodes.
can also render hair as volume, great for mops, or far away characters. were is no need to raytrace every single hair curve. https://vimeo.com/209689243 [vimeo.com]
there is a new node for rendering shadows, (complex, that's why took me so long to get the code working right) renders faster and with higher antialias, less need for a higher sample. https://vimeo.com/190887227 [vimeo.com]
I'm testing Fabio's Hair System, after some fiddling I seem to have got it working. But does anyone know if it's supposed to work with Redshift ?
The hair does not show in the render.
I added Redshift Parameters and enabled "Polygons as hair". The only way I got it working is to "merge" the "hair render out" into a new SOP and set the proper Redshift parameters.
hi, haven't play with redshift, don't forget that is a complete different render, not sure if can convert mantra shaders on the fly. or if the procedural hair that is generated by mantra as well.
That would be a shame, looks like a very powerful solution for using external curves in Houdini. And I don’t think many people are using Mantra anymore these days.
Is it still supposed to be working properly in 18.5 ? Looks like not many people are using it. It hasn’t been updated for a long time and there’s hardly any recent info about it. Also the shelf tools don’t seem to be working, or maybe I’m doing something wrong.
with some additional features, hairs as volume, now includes DOPS with vellum, and FEM i attach and example on how to use FEM, on the hair, just to keep certain hairs in shape instead sim each curve.