Huge object and fluid scale

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Hello guys,

I have an object that is 50 000 units wide. I am using H15 and I was thinking of dividing its size by 1000, so as to get pyro to solve properly but I thought I read that this only was an issue in previous houdini versions to 13.

What are your takes on the subject?

Thanks a lot

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Joined: March 2015
Hey Xavier. I'm at the same spot. huge object…cant do huge sim.

You mention that you would divide the size by 1000 so that pyro would solve it. Was that something that was done to handle scaling in previous versions?

I'm sorry, I know this doesn't solve your problem but what you mentioned was the most I got from googling it (even as I write that im thinking I had to have missed something somewhere)

I even looked through the forums (searched for scal* and looked at about 5 pages before i figured I should post something before I kept going). Didn't find anything.

I'm gonna head back and look somemore, ill post if I find anything.

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Hey S.,

I have managed to do my sim without much problem in the end.
It might be 300 meters across in total.
Pyro shelf sort of gives good values to work and then I had to tweak to get the look I wanted without much problem.

I know I haven't found much on the subject myself, so in the end I posted
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