Transfering point glob coordinates and rotation to txt/csv

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Joined: March 2015
Hi guys,

I would like to extract the position of a point following along a curve and its rotation along axis in a text/csv file using chops.

For example in the attached pic (View_1), we can see the position of the point on the curve and its corresponding global coordinates ( P,P,P ) at a particular frame.

Say, I want to export these positions of this point traveled along the curve and also the angle made with respect to each axis based on the normal of the point, frame by frame (Total frames 240 in my current case).

I need a final table like, For example

Frames P P P Angle Angle Angle
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
240 1 2 3 40 50 60

How do I implement in CHOPS.
And to export in csv or text file.

Please your help would be kindly useful.

I cannot access the houdini forums using the keyword search, as i am getting irreveleant material based on “AND” and “OR” wildcards.

Is there any way only to search the posts by title in HOUDINI Forums Search.

Million cheers

follow_path.hipnc (53.9 KB)
view_5.jpeg (9.4 KB)
view_4.jpeg (10.5 KB)

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One way might be to bring your channel into the Sop level and then drop down a python node for writing out the CSV file.

Maybe you could try dropping python node in CHOPs instead? I have never tried using python in CHOPs, however.
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