snapping point to a Null

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I can't not snap the point of a grid to a the red null ( or blue one, doesn't matter).
snapping to points doesn't work for me… and I think I'm doing something wrong.
copy and pasting the translating values from each null objects is not practical!.

might you please help me?

thank you in advance

snap.jpg (54.7 KB)

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Here's a workaround:
You can use Object Merge to import all the nulls ( or just their center points ) and snap to those in SOP context with the template flag on.

snap_to_nulls.hip (78.8 KB)

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We use a new faster drawing method for nulls and bones in H15 that does not yet support snapping.

This new method is not used for a given null/bone when you dive the viewer into that object, so a (terrible) workaround is to RMB on the handle you want to move, turn on the persistent flag, dive down into the object you want to snap to, move and snap the handle, then jump back up and RMB on the handle to turn off the persistent flag.
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Hey Ondrej,

Any workaround for when you want to create bones based on the viewing plane (to get the orientation) but need point snapping to nulls to get the position of the bones?

I use nulls to pre-define/map out where my bones will go and not having point snapping is a bit of a set back.

Since you don't use handles will placing bones, is there any persistence in a bone creation session to dive into a null to snap to the center?
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Hey guys

my workaround is to creat an empty Geo and inside create a CONTROL sop … snapping works this way… bring up parameters to Geo node and save a digital asset like NULL2
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