Thanks for reporting the issues you had your first Houdini job.
I greatly appreciate your first time feedback.
houdini crashes when alt middle mouse scrub in dope sheet timeline
I couldn't repro that crash. Can you create a bug report with more information about it.
to be able to drag divider when viewport in split view would be nice
I'm sure we have an RFE somewhere about it. As a workaround you can create a split pane for another scene viewer.
custom safe frame size not possible?
The Video safe areas are harcoded to 90% and 95% to follow the old Title/Action Safe frames.
I'll resurrect an old RFE #12337 that was asking to expose the percentages.
It is however possible to use a custom SOP geometry to draw a Custom Camera View Mask.
On a camera, do Edit Rendering Parameters from the Parameter Editor Gear Menu.
Drag and drop the Viewport Display/View Mask folder to create the optional render prop.
Activate Camera View Mask on the display options.
Create a grid or any geometry and link a SOP to the new parameter on the camera.
I attached a scene that demonstrate how to set it up.
I'm not sure I recommend to use it, as it's an obscure feature and pretty hard to setup.
some hot key to flip between previous tool and current tool (like c4d)
I'm trying to think about how it would behave when swicthing from OBJ to SOP and when selecting new nodes. Houdini does keep a list of previously active objects per pane that you can cycle trough using Pane's arrow buttons, but the current active tool isn't saved with that history.
Are you thinking about toggling only between the Select/Rotate/Translate/Scale/Show Handle tools? and simply having an hotkey that would do the same as clicking the last button that was active.
be good to access keyframe interpolation while in dopesheet
Logged as RFE #78543
is there a shortcut to flip between dopesheet and curves?
Yes, Hit ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’.
short cut to set frame interpolation (cumbersome to go into curves all the time)
No there's no one currently.
I do like the idea of having shortcuts for Constant/Linear/Bezier.
Logged as RFE #78544
You can assign Hotkeys yourself using the Hotkey Editor and going to the /Houdini/Panes/Animation Editor/Animation Graph context.
no transform keys tool in spline view? (to be able to squash and expand a load of keys)
We do have the Box/Box with Pivot tool in the Graph Editor. You can activate it using the ‘Y’ key.
warning that auto takes is on (this was a bit of a nightmare accidentally saving changes as a take)
Can you describe a bit more the problem you experienced?
Do you want a very apparent viewport hint that tells the auto take is active?
spherical skinning deformation (like c4d. this is so needed! deforming a bend elbow and the mesh collapses looks not good)
Did you try using the Dual Quaternion option on the Deform SOP?
You can paint a blend attribute to blend between dual quaternion and linear blending.
Our Simple Female rig has it setup.
its too hard to select keys in dope sheet while zoomed out far
I remember fixing a bug in 15.5 about keys not showing up when zoomed out.
Can you try updating to a more recent 15.5 build.
copy and paste key frames barely works in dope sheet, its very buggy
I have a bug already logged for it. It took me some time to be able to repro it because I was always hitting ‘Q’ on the keyboard to clear the dopesheet selection between operations.
sometimes when i drag mouse in curve editor it adds a new key in spline
This has to be that you are holding the Alt key to pan the viewport.
Alt+LMB does add keys at the current cursor position.
I logged an RFE #78546 to be able to move it do a different key.