Hi Just a very quick question to see if anyone can help me? I'm just starting out on a new project and was hoping to use Houdinin instead of modoe to help me learn the tools unfortunately I have hit a stumbling block. I am using reference images to help me model buildings exteriors and interiors I can happily layou out curves or a box etc in the object level but as soon as I dive down into the editing the backdrop image goes all funky and I cant continue.
I'm using the Production Build 16.0.504.20 on Windows 10
Top level view as expected
Once I click ‘i’ the view changes to;
if anyone can help me/guide me to the correct setting to stop this it would be fab.
I just tested on H16.0.542 and it works fine, you may want to pull down one of the Daily Builds. Bugs have already been fixed from the H16.0.504.20 release.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0 Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core. nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
Enivob I just tested on H16.0.542 and it works fine, you may want to pull down one of the Daily Builds. Bugs have already been fixed from the H16.0.504.20 release.
Thanks so much for the heads up I thought it may have just been me being a fool