ERROR: Internal error: The noncommercial user could not be found

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I'm trying to install Houdini 16 apprentice on Linux Manjaro 64bit but when I run
I get this :

I click Next, accept the terms and I get this :

so I go to, [] select “Houdini (Non-Commercial)”, “Houdini 16”, enter my server name and server code according to
sesictrl -n
and get :

“ERROR: Internal error: The noncommercial user could not be found”

When I open the Houdini License Administrator with
I get this :

What should I do ?
Edited by ChameleonScales - April 16, 2017 10:19:42
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Try running happrentice instead of houdini. Houdini is the full version Apprentice is the free version.

Also try that URL in the message box or just contact
Edited by Enivob - April 16, 2017 09:27:35
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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OMG Thank you ! I didn't see this “happrentice” command anywhere in my research. I wonder where it's documented.
About the URL in the message box, I tried it as explained earlier but I apparently uploaded the same screenshot twice, which may have confused you, so I just fixed it and put the proper image.
But problem solved anyway ! (can we mark topics as solved here ?)
Edited by ChameleonScales - April 16, 2017 10:26:52
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