First Fluid sim

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Hi Troops
Been playing around with Houdini for about 4 months and this is my first sim of fluid.
I have to say that Houdini doesn't make it easy at all (not like Realflow).
Next I'd like to add bubbles (any suggestions would be awesome).


Edit: THere is a 5MB upload limit… Crazy. []
is the video.
Edited by joshkitneycgi - July 10, 2017 13:53:28
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Once you have a basic fluid sim working just click on the whitewater button on the tool shelf and follow the message instruction prompts that appear at the bottom of the 3D viewport. Bubbles, foam and spray are all part of the whitewater system.
Edited by Enivob - July 10, 2017 14:36:55
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Nice one Enivob.
I'll be sure to give that a go tomorrow if I can.

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Well I did it, needs more work. Followed Ben Watts' tut, but it goes over my head a bit so I'll look at it more.
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This is a question I have in general since I'm completely new to Houdini. Is it difficult to make fluids with the program?

@joshkitneycgi to me as a beginner at this, your work looks fairly realistic. Just curious, do you personally have an idea how to improve it?
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I have to say this looks smooth and nice, a bit to short perhaps. What worries me is how..dull and still the glass is, almost like it was pasted in. Maybe rework how the material functions for the cup.
Edited by anon_user_62590084 - Sept. 2, 2017 18:36:45
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