Problems Saving Crowd Simulation?

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I've followed here:

However when I save the .hip file to my set project and open it back up everything is gone in the scene except for nodes with errors. If I set a project with a cube or whatever and save the .hip file I am having no problems. I'm sure it's something simple but I cannot figure what's wrong… new to Houdini.
Edited by houdini017 - Aug. 4, 2017 22:36:25
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Joined: June 2008
When you save a crowd file you are specifying a location where supporting files will be generated. If you set the project then save to another location other than the root of the project, you will throw off Houdini's ability to locate baked agents. You can just bake again. a New Agents folder will be created where ever you save the hip file.

Once you have a crowd up and running, don't Save As to a new folder, you can version the filename, but keep it in the same location.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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