DOP substeps vs POP substeps

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Hi all!

I came across this issue today which I found curious, I just wanted to know why I would be getting a different result when setting the DOP substeps to 10 as opposed to setting the POP solver substeps to 10? I was expecting the same result..

In the attached file the only difference is where the substeps are being set, the green one is on DOPs and the red one on POPs.
Edited by alex_whyte - Nov. 23, 2017 05:04:43

Popsolver_substep_issue.jpg (98.6 KB)
popsolver_substep_issue.hiplc (379.8 KB)

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while in more complex setups there may be differences between DOP level substeps and POP Solver substeps
in this case there are not

the only reason you are seeing the difference is that POP Solver substeps are not cached so your trail is just using interpolated positions between frames, while DOP Level substeps allow for sampling substep data therefore trail will get correct positions

to get valid comparison you can create a trail particle at every substep during the sim, then compare the paths
Edited by tamte - Nov. 23, 2017 10:15:15

popsolver_substep_issue_fix.hiplc (397.8 KB)

Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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