So, in order to get different materials on my different layers, i'm gonna need to attribute create “unreal_material” prim/detail attribute on each layer? is this correct? I see, for instance, a layer called “cliffs” would be listed as “@cliffs” in the group dropdown box of a node. So, a layer can essentially act like a group if you call it “@layername”?
is there a quick way to make heightfield_visualize colors showup in unreal? It seems to come in as only a checkerboard pattern. Also, is there a way to get each layer exposed to add materials separately inside unreal? someway i could avoid a punch of copy/pasting text and typing until i actually figure out what materials i want to use?
my other question has to do with scattering and instancing. i tried to isolate a layer and throw down a scatter node, but the problem i see is that the scatter node doesn't scatter with y information. It only scatters in the x-z plane. what can i do about this? do i need to convert to polys before scattering? is there a better way that I haven't noticed?