I see some misunderstanding here: Shake Iff's format - freely licenced for Alias Maya (Shake developer wrote Maya's flipbook) - has nothing to do with old fashon amiga iffs… it's different file format. It supports arbitrary number of channels, 8,16,32bits per channels, it can be compressed (by adding gz extension after *.iff
) it starts form lower left corner (important issue) and finaly… yes, it fully supports TILING. Shake can also save in it aditional information like its own DOD paramiters.
But of course tiff rulez! This is my choice also, whenever going out of Shake.
PS Edward, I almost never use lzw,rle etc. , I know that compression will slow down reading a file. But even without it, filein routine can be good or bad coded. Have you ever tried Silicon Grail RAYZ? The fastest viewer ever seen! As you know everything starts from simple C headers and librares…