Groups and Tags in Houdini Engine for Unity 2018

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I came across an issue opening the same hda in Unity 2017 & Unity 2018. Somehow the Houdini Engine 2 beta for Unity 2018 doesn't seem to recognize tags and groups the way it used to.

Attatched are three images:
1. hda in Unity 2017,
2. same hda in Unity 2018,
3. simple setup in Houdini.

I'm trying to group and tag different parts of a more complex gemetry to allow editing after geometry generation.

Does anyone know what is fishy here or how I can achieve grouping/ tagging in Unity 2018 the way it did before?



0101.PNG (130.8 KB)
0202.PNG (160.3 KB)
0303.PNG (543.7 KB)

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So by Unity 2017, I believe you meant that you are using version 1 of the plugin, and by Unity 2018, you are using version 2. The new version 2 does not support splitting geometry by groups, except for LOD groups. If you want to split the output geometry, then create a subnet with multiple geometry nodes, then merge just the geometry you want for each geometry node (might have to do a delete on other groups).

Another way to do it for what you are trying to achieve is in the same geometry network, separate the geometry by group, make the nodes editable, then merge it back. When editing in Unity using the Edit Attribute Tools, you should be able to select the individual edit nodes. Note that the final output will be the merged geometry, not groups as separate meshes.

Version 1 did support group splitting but we decided to not support that in version 2 due to problems caused by it.
Edited by seelan - May 22, 2018 14:22:30
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Hey Seelanv,

thank you very much, this solved my problem. I merge out everything that needs a seperate tag or needs to be a seperate mesh out of my output geo, put everything in one subnet and export that.
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