Few basic questions

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For some reason i've got my Houdini help with no search feature working, and although i''ve tried to read it, didn't found some answers:

1. Suppose, i've got imported obj with primGroups aaa1-aaa50. I'd like to select interactively some of these, and delete. I'm able to do it with select tool, and by appending Group sop next to it, but in this case, group node contains point ranges, not primGroup names. Is it possible somehow to get names of primitive groups selected with select tool?

2. in Group node, combine tab, i can type in names of the groups i'd like to combine into single one. What format should i use, to, for example, combine first 20 groups? I've tried aaa, aaa, but it doesnt works. Typing “aaa1 aaa2 aaa3 aaa4…” is stupid and there should be some more elegant method. Anyone?
Also, why Group node doesn't cleanup groups i've just combined? Is there any way to do this? Maybe i should use “delete” field in next tab?
wbr, Mudvin
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For question #1….

Try out the group select tools at the top of the viewport.

groupSelectTools.jpg (12.3 KB)

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For question #2….

The combine supports basic pattern matching…
Like aaa_ would be the same thing as aaa_10 to aaa_29. ? and * also work.

I wouldn't mind having the pattern matching for the combine/delete group sop functions be brought up to speed with these rules…..

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For some reason i've got my Houdini help with no search feature working…
it might be lack of Java in proper version. Whenever I install Houdini on fresh system I have the same problem even if “some” Java is installed. Try install Java and you will filnd your search
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First of all - thank you for answers, guys.

Let's see:

For some reason i've got my Houdini help with no search feature working….
it might be lack of Java in proper version
I've tried this, but still no luck - still has no search in help. The version i used is “jre-1_5_0_06-windows-i586-p.exe”

For question #2….
The combine supports basic pattern matching…
Like aaa_ would be the same thing as aaa_10 to aaa_29. ? and * also work.
On the link you provided there's only one line about patterns for groups, and it's not informative at all.
I think it will be not that slow to unroll constructions like aaa, and very handy for users. Does SideFx guys reading this board? Is it possible to add this in future releases? I think it's quite logical to have such a patterns?

For question #1….
Try out the group select tools at the top of the viewport.
It simply doesn't work for me. I mean - i see all the groups in this list, but when i'm trying to select some of these, nothing changes in viewport, so i can't see where particular selected group located.
wbr, Mudvin
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maybe you know this but in case you don't:

can you see icons right to the right of group list? After choosing your group from list you have to use these icons to actually select one. It's because you have many choices what to do with a group… not just select. Try them, you'll like it .


PS as to Java: do you have Firefox on your system? I see some connection here although hard to follow events, but whenever I install FireFox problems with houdini search starts… or stops - sorry, one of them
but since Firefox is strongly relying on java and actually it is the same html engine as Houdini's Help, its' somehow logical.
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Yeah, i know about these icons, thank you

PS: no, don't using FF at all.
wbr, Mudvin
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Have you tried the “select primitive groups” or “select point groups” selection method (hit 5 or 6) whilst in the viewport. This means you can interactively click on the model and it will select the group that the picked on prim or point is a member of.
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This is exactly the method i've used. I can pick primGroups, but how to get their _names_ after it? When i'm attaching “group” SOP to selection i've made, Group SOP consists only of point ranges, not group names.
This is the exactly the problem.
wbr, Mudvin
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Sorry, I thought you were using the names from the dropdown at the top. The only to get the names is to pick them manually in the group sop itself, not using the viewport. It's a good RFE to have that functionality added though.
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